Calamities on the Earth occur Cyclically - every 6,500 and 13,000 years. We are fast approaching the next one. These events scour nearly all traces of human civilization from the face of the earth. So why - IF these cycles are unavoidable - do many ancient civilizations seem to be trying to warn us?

That’s a great example. Seemingly constructed and then purposefully buried just prior to the last half-cycle event [buried approx. 13,000 years ago, last “event” (younger dryas impact) occurring approx. 12,000 years ago].
Also the site seems to, like the others, be conveying awareness of some kind of ecological disaster (stone carvings and reliefs of animals that did not exist on the continent after the event)
It would be nice if "They" finished the excavation of the entire site...the latest I know of is this discussion:
Yep, “isis” has prevented further study of gobekli for the last 10 years. They also go from town to town smashing statues and artifacts. Just a coincidence surely! Nothing to do with the ultimate source of their funding! Surely!!