I am burnt out both from this and my professional life at the moment. I have been awake for a long time and since I was 17 years old. Ron Paul started my awakening process.
Anyways I am worn out from feeling like my life is on hold from all of this (feeling like there is little point in making goals if the economy is going to tank super hard). My dream has always been to open a business with my Dad but with inflation and the dollar tanking it just seems like a bad idea at the moment. I am also tired of the grifters and what not saying they have information then being full of shit aka the “two more weeks” meme. I normally don’t listen to them but even some people like Don JR have done this.
Also I want to work on my anger and resentment towards normies. How do some of you over come this? My problem is that I have no perspective of what it’s like to be asleep as I have been awake my whole adult life. I also live in the Seattle/King County area and see triple vaxxed people walking around the dog park by themselves with a mask on. LA, SF, NYC, Portland, Toronto etc. frens know what I am talking about. My main frustration with normies is I truly don’t get how they don’t think something is wrong? Like to me it’s so obvious so if someone on here who woke up later in life could give me som perspective that would be great.
I have called leftists orcs, servants of darkness etc. and I would like to be more like Christ and learn how to pray for my enemies and not let my anger over take me.
Also holding the line in the Seattle area took a psychological toll on me. Not being able to go to the gym, go out with friends and watching my family and friends get picked off one by one by vax mandates/peer pressure was hard. Like many of you I lost family cause of my vax stance. Only my brother and I held the line. So I also worry I am going to lose someone close due to something vax related. And if the worst theories are true he’s the only one I will have left.
Anyways in the meantime I am going to take a period of sobriety, focus on my health, my bible and take a break from GAW and X22 unless something major actually happens. Dave and people on here keep saying people are waking up but I don’t see it at all. I just see normies blowing wherever the wind blows. So I just get worn out from being told people are waking up but not actually seeing it.
Also thinking I need to get away from Seattle leftists and the cold weather so I am planning to book a trip to Florida. So if Florida frens could tell me some cool places to go that aren’t swamped by tourists or leftists that would be great. I know I just said I am going to take a period of sobriety but the only thing I want to do right now is drink a Margarita on a warm beach, listen to the ocean and feel the warmth of the sun.
I also welcome any general advice on how to deal with burnt out. Thank you.
Best advice I can give to those who are stuck up here in the liberal hellhole that is Seattle, is to move out of the Metroplex.
Federal Way - Everett is a pretty LIberal strech of I-5 and I've unfortunately spent way too much time in those areas.
IF you can afford to do so, come on down south a bit ( Auburn, Enumclaw, Puyallup and Parts of Tacoma). We are a lot more Conservative in these areas and you'll see the difference right away.
I am trying to move to Eastern WA. I would love to live in Wenatchee and be around the mountains and rivers.
I just have to find work or go to trade school so I can position myself to work out there.
We all have times in which we feel overwhelmed and anxious about the world we are living in friend. You’re definitely on the right path mentioning the Bible, for surely the answers you seek and the peace you are lacking can only be found there and in Jesus Christ. Remember, if you don’t like what is going on then you are in direct conflict with the one in charge - HIS plan. You have to turn these things over to Jesus and ask for His help, strength and wisdom. Ask for forgiveness and understanding for not trusting in His plan, and that all things work for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. Do you pray and ask to understand your purpose.? For surely we are all exactly where He wants us for that exact moment in time. Turn everything over to Him, trust His plan and let the weight be lifted off of you and breathe the fresh air of freedom from worry.
Next, ask Jesus for guidance and pray about what it is you should do. Surely do not live in fear but be practical in your decisions regarding starting up a business. Let your instincts and discernment guide you in your quest for fulfillment. Do something you love doing and surely you can never go wrong.
As for the Florida break, my family are big fans of the Pensacola area. Just East of the main public beach there are miles of rent houses and wide open beaches to enjoy just a few minutes walk away from the crowd. If it’s quieter yet you desire there is a fabulous little town about 10 miles East of Pensacola nestled up on the gulf called Navarre. There is an awesome walking/fishing pier there where you are likely to see sea turtles, pods of dolphins, rays etc. All that and only 10 miles from all the great restaurants in Pensacola. We’ve stayed all over Florida including pretentious private places like Boca Raton and now we keep going back to Pensacola/Navarre. Make sure you go out to eat at Flounders and perhaps even play a little beach volleyball while you’re there.
May God bless you friend with the peace you seek. The Lord will fight for you; you need only be still. Start or restart your Bible reading with the book of Ecclesiastes, written by Solomon. Here the wealthiest and wisest man ever to live gives his perspective on the meaning of life and the depths he went through to arrive at this conclusion.
100x this!! ☝🏻 I’ll only add, unless you’re a homosexual, DO NOT go to Pensacola (if you decide to go) or any of the other cities close by, over Memorial weekend. They have a huge gay pride parade/party to kick off “gay pride month” in June and the gays basically take over the entire city during Memorial weekend.
I know several people (including my family) that go on vacation up and down the gulf coast side of Florida every year and somehow we still didn’t know this “gay party weekend” existed. However, one year we innocently booked our vacation over Memorial weekend and got the culture shock of our lives. My poor, Southern Baptist, Mama was hardcore clutching her pearls the entire weekend. 🤷🏼♀️😂😂
But definitely go to one of the cities that are on the Gulf of Mexico side of Florida. They have the best beaches w/ beautiful white sand! If you’re close to the Florida/Alabama state line, go to the FloraBama bar and order a bushwhacker frozen daiquiri. You can thank me later for changing your life with a drink. 🤷🏼♀️😜😂
I’m born and raised in Boca Raton, but luckily was raised very modestly (yes there’s a few of us lol). I can agree that you don’t want to go to this part of Florida. I now live in GA in a more conservative area and I haven’t worn a mask in over a year. Maybe 1 in 20 people wear them unless I go closer to Atlanta and more wear them there. I would suggest moving to a more rural or conservative area. I also suggest you stop listening to x22. I don’t have anything against him, but I think he puts out too much hopium. I used to listen to him pretty consistently and would feel anxiety/excitement of “oh wow - so and so is about to happen!” I just don’t think every Dan Scavino tweet is a secret code or refers to a specific Q post. I would suggest listening to Bards FM - lives somewhere in Oregon I think and has some good perspectives. or listen to Jarrin Jackson. He does a live thought stream Monday - Friday at 12 est. Hope this helps.
If you have the opportunity to get a trade; DO IT! If you get a trade and have the opportunity to specialize in a niche - definitely worth considering. My childhood neighbor was a millionaire by the time he was 28 as an electrician who specialized on maintenance of manufacturing equipment. I live in an area with lots of tradesmen and they're all loaded. Don't let the dirty torn clothes fool you. College/University is only worth it for specific professions.
I was going to post the same. Carpentry, electrics, plumbing, concrete. Start with the basics and work up to air conditioning (I think you call it HVAC?) etc. Learn how to diagnose faults and use tools to build/repair stuff so you'll never be short of cash (or barter).
Watch DIY videos on YT or whatever.
Trade school is a great goal. As society breaks down skills will be what is valuable. As for forgiveness, I recommend studying Joseph. He is a biblical picture of God's forgiveness. God bless and I will be praying for you.
Your story reads similarly to mine, down to Ron Paul!
It is a lonely walk many times, but more have joined.
I would add to all the wonderful advice already given, find a conservative group to join. Usually there is some sort of Republican group or other that meets in every area. Listen to a conservative station - join local election watching groups to gain contacts. If you are looking for more of a MAGA group - check Meetups in your area.
Connections are an important part of this movement, and an antidote to depression! Good luck fren, you are never alone.
What kind of work do you do, if you don't mind me asking?
Beer brewing
The Romans drank beer because the water couldn't be trusted. It's a useful skill to have if society breaks up and sanitation goes out the window. But otherwise, I wouldn't rely on it.
Great reply! Bullets, beans and Band-aids. Love that.