True liberals do thrive on fear mongering, but they are indeed slow killing us with poisons/toxins in our air, food, and water. Maybe it's NOT the arylamide you should fear, instead fear the deep fried cheap smoked vegetable oils that undoubtedly cause HEART DISEASE.
Funny how liberals will fear monger about the fake stuff like gLobAl WaRmiNg, and Arylamide, but absolutely ignore things like Sodium Fluoride, and the damage over cooked seed oils are doing to peoples Hearts.
True liberals do thrive on fear mongering, but they are indeed slow killing us with poisons/toxins in our air, food, and water. Maybe it's NOT the arylamide you should fear, instead fear the deep fried cheap smoked vegetable oils that undoubtedly cause HEART DISEASE.
Funny how liberals will fear monger about the fake stuff like gLobAl WaRmiNg, and Arylamide, but absolutely ignore things like Sodium Fluoride, and the damage over cooked seed oils are doing to peoples Hearts.
Fear arylamide as well. Read the link, that shit isn't good for us.
Probably won't kill us or even hurt us if eaten in normal quantities...
That said, you are correct as well - they are trying to poison us with god only knows how many chemicals at all levels.