Soon as I heard this theory I thought to myself, what happened to graphing oxide? So many have picked up this theory and thrown away the other theories and will be on to the next theory as soon as it is available. This makes use look ignorant, collectively! Before we jump on a theory we should give time to evaluate and compare it to previous theories. If it is snake venom then it is not graphing oxide nano particles that self build ai systems inside the human body. You cannot have it both ways. I think both are plausible but it blows my mind how all the pundits have completely forgotten the last theory and now are all screaming, “OMG Snake venom, Reeeee”!
It’s scary to me how easily we get sucked into something. For all we know, this is what THEY want us to believe!
Soon as I heard this theory I thought to myself, what happened to graphing oxide? So many have picked up this theory and thrown away the other theories and will be on to the next theory as soon as it is available. This makes use look ignorant, collectively! Before we jump on a theory we should give time to evaluate and compare it to previous theories. If it is snake venom then it is not graphing oxide nano particles that self build ai systems inside the human body. You cannot have it both ways. I think both are plausible but it blows my mind how all the pundits have completely forgotten the last theory and now are all screaming, “OMG Snake venom, Reeeee”! It’s scary to me how easily we get sucked into something. For all we know, this is what THEY want us to believe!
I know. It makes me sad. Retards everywhere. Jesus come soon.