I understand your sentiment but if you pay very close attention and factor in everything, it's really, statically impossible that Q is a black hat. It simply does not make any sense if you piece everything together. Again, I completely understand your frustration but this train of thought, though understandable to a degree, stems from not studying Q enough. The Q proofs combined with what Trump accomplished in just four years, proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that Q is a white hat and that we are indeed winning.
It simply makes absolutely no sense for the deep state and families to fuck themselves over this bad when they could have easily continued on with the Great Reset under Hillary. The original plan. The problem arises when people consider these quotes without proper Q context. Another major problem is people are suffering from some seriously misguided expectations due to poor understanding of the magnitude of this war and our enemy.
Again, understandable, people are getting frustrated with this war and want it to end but considering who we are dealing with and what has already been exposed, the real crazy shit hasn't even begun yet. Now we're going to keep winning and winning big but this war isn't going to end till around 2030. That's just my opinion, I could be wrong but judging from events I'm tracking, we've got a long way to go before this is over. People need to better research Q and research our enemy, daily.
Almost every single person I've talked to that thinks Q is a black hat or is just dooming in general, has not read all the Q drops or studied the proofs. It's almost always the case and some thinking Q is a black hat is probably the intended objective of those quotes. Exactly to throw off some embedded deep state asset, in some alphabet agency. Counter intel, spy hunting 101. You have to remember how deep this is. How insanely complex this is and then realize you probably haven't even scratched the surface.
I know you're frustrated and worried at this point in this Silent War but I assure you with absolute certainty, if you study the drops and proofs more, do your due diligence, you will confirm for yourself Q is indeed a white hat and the opposite just isn't even possible. The only way you can come to that conclusion is if you haven't studied enough. It's a war of spy craft. Almost this entire war is being waged in the shadows and is the pinnacle of the art of deception.
Therefore, a great deal of what you hear or see on the surface, likely means something else. If you're interrupting quotes like this by their face value, you're almost certainly missing something or falling for bait intended for the enemy. War is deception and this, the greatest war in history is the apex paragon of that axiom. Apply that to every single syllable you hear for the remainder of this war. Your very life depends upon it. This is not a game. Learn to play the game.
Too many newbie anons want a free pie for lunch. That's the very mindset that got our world to where it is. All the info, none of the hard work. Well, that's a recipe for failure.
"Do your due diligence" may be the MOST important message of the Q board, at least in terms of what anons must do.
"Do your due diligence" may be the MOST important message of the Q board, at least in terms of what anons must do.
100%. WW3 is an information war. Constant research is akin to cleaning your rifle. Those not staying on top of things put their families in mortal danger. Prime example is the vaccine. If you're not researching you're not going to survive the next decade.
I understand your sentiment but if you pay very close attention and factor in everything, it's really, statically impossible that Q is a black hat. It simply does not make any sense if you piece everything together. Again, I completely understand your frustration but this train of thought, though understandable to a degree, stems from not studying Q enough. The Q proofs combined with what Trump accomplished in just four years, proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that Q is a white hat and that we are indeed winning.
It simply makes absolutely no sense for the deep state and families to fuck themselves over this bad when they could have easily continued on with the Great Reset under Hillary. The original plan. The problem arises when people consider these quotes without proper Q context. Another major problem is people are suffering from some seriously misguided expectations due to poor understanding of the magnitude of this war and our enemy.
Again, understandable, people are getting frustrated with this war and want it to end but considering who we are dealing with and what has already been exposed, the real crazy shit hasn't even begun yet. Now we're going to keep winning and winning big but this war isn't going to end till around 2030. That's just my opinion, I could be wrong but judging from events I'm tracking, we've got a long way to go before this is over. People need to better research Q and research our enemy, daily.
Almost every single person I've talked to that thinks Q is a black hat or is just dooming in general, has not read all the Q drops or studied the proofs. It's almost always the case and some thinking Q is a black hat is probably the intended objective of those quotes. Exactly to throw off some embedded deep state asset, in some alphabet agency. Counter intel, spy hunting 101. You have to remember how deep this is. How insanely complex this is and then realize you probably haven't even scratched the surface.
I know you're frustrated and worried at this point in this Silent War but I assure you with absolute certainty, if you study the drops and proofs more, do your due diligence, you will confirm for yourself Q is indeed a white hat and the opposite just isn't even possible. The only way you can come to that conclusion is if you haven't studied enough. It's a war of spy craft. Almost this entire war is being waged in the shadows and is the pinnacle of the art of deception.
Therefore, a great deal of what you hear or see on the surface, likely means something else. If you're interrupting quotes like this by their face value, you're almost certainly missing something or falling for bait intended for the enemy. War is deception and this, the greatest war in history is the apex paragon of that axiom. Apply that to every single syllable you hear for the remainder of this war. Your very life depends upon it. This is not a game. Learn to play the game.
"do your due diligence"
Too many newbie anons want a free pie for lunch. That's the very mindset that got our world to where it is. All the info, none of the hard work. Well, that's a recipe for failure.
"Do your due diligence" may be the MOST important message of the Q board, at least in terms of what anons must do.
"Do your due diligence" may be the MOST important message of the Q board, at least in terms of what anons must do.
100%. WW3 is an information war. Constant research is akin to cleaning your rifle. Those not staying on top of things put their families in mortal danger. Prime example is the vaccine. If you're not researching you're not going to survive the next decade.