Article link below: The US is sending $800 million more while we have sky rocketing inflation. And this time armored vehicles along with weapons will be sent. So why would US troops go to Ukraine or right near by? You can read the whole article to garner more details but this part tells you all you need to know:
“The first obstacle is the limited amount of functioning Soviet armaments and military equipment. The second one is the necessity of training to use Western equipment. According to the expert, logistics is the third obstacle, since the number of ways to deliver the arms and equipment to Ukrainian territory is limited.”
I seem to remember “Logistics and Training” US Green Berets/Army Rangers/Special Forces/CIA being used in both Iraqi and Afghanistan, also in Vietnam, Libya, Bosnia, and other US Cabal side conflicts before we officially engaged, or acted like we did nothing except “gaining intelligence/just trainings”.
It's always the case.
While in the Navy, the flagship I served on had a state visit to Saigon in January 64- we had Cinderella liberty and I found myself and a few other shipmates getting a tour in the evening by a Green Beret. He informed us that the bridge we were on was a 'safe' bridge, but a couple klicks down the road, that bridge was owned by Charlie at night.. I watched Good Morning Viet Nam yesterday and laughed at "military intel was looking for guys named Charlie"... 🤣