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IDk, it doesn't exist yet
How about a constantly rotating panel of (actual) experts? you can only serve for a couple of years in that position, then can only serve again after 10 years, would perhaps prevent bias and corruption
Whatever it is it must be contemplated, you can't avoid doing something out of fear of mistakes and obstacles, it must happen
Or do you really think people who:
Should be allowed to help decide the fate of a nation?
Maybe just really go back to the land-owner thing, it has it's set-backs, because one can just inherit land.... but at least it would be something.
... wow, are you ok? are you capable of thinking? are you capable of critical thinking?
Want to vote? sure, submit to the test, doesn't matter how rich you are, doesn't matter if you own land or not, you just have to prove you're not a complete fucking retard, how about that? because having complete fucking retards being allowed to vote is in great part what got us here.
I don't like the land-owner thing either, but it's BETTER than allowing anyone to vote, at least owning land suggests you or at least your parents had some capacity to earn enough money to accomplish that, and if you inherited it, at least there's a small fucking chance you have the genetics to not be a complete fucking retard.
Yeah, sure, then you deal with, you make it better, you learn from it, but it's gotta be tried, you can't have everyone be allowed to vote, period.
There should be no taxation, period
Government should be 1/100th of what it is today, and support itself with tariffs and royalties.
yeah, why not? in school you take tests? should everyone get a pass, no matter how badly they do? should everyone get a trophy for participation in a competition?
yet to exercise one of the most important civic duties there's no qualifier at all?
Fren, as hard as it is to admit, most of our capacity is defined by genetics... we are created equal under God, not born equal.
Dumbing down or not, some have more capacity than others, it's just a fact of life, there is lesser an there is greater.
And no, I don't think myself among the greater, I'm almost 40, have nothing of my own, am lazy as fuck, an extremely limited individual.
but I believe the betterment of civilization is of greater importance than the pwecious ickle feewewings of the people who would be deemed, in that hypothetical, not good enough to vote, and for all I know I would be one of em.
Either way we are all still children of God, and this limited genetic situation is just a very brief moment in the big picture of our potential full existence, or so I believe.