Ukrainian refugees are defacing holocaust memorials in Germany
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Nazi symbols at the Neubrandenburg Soviet Memorial and concentration camp memorial plaque Cyrillic lettering and right-wing extremist symbols were emblazoned in blue and yellow on the memorials to the fallen of the Red Army and concentration camp victims. Mirko Hertrich Mirko Hertrich 4/20/2022, 1:18 p.m Print e-mail NEUBRANDENBURG The Soviet memorial and the women's memorial for female concentration camp victims on the New Cemetery in Neubrandenburg have been daubed by unknown persons. As the Nordkurier found on Wednesday after a reader's notice at the New Cemetery, the memorial to the Red Army soldiers who died in World War II and a plaque on the women's memorial to the victims of the Ravensbrück concentration camp branch were defaced with blue and yellow lettering - blue and yellow are the ones National colors of Ukraine .
Read more: "Stupid talk" - AfD attacks Ukrainian ambassador for Azov tweet
This is used, among other things, by in Ukraine.
Nazi symbols on concentration camp memorial plaque The Soviet memorial read in Ukrainian: "Glory to Ukraine" (Слава Україні!) and "Glory to Heroes" (Героям слава!). This is the official salute of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. A so-called wolf rod was probably sprayed on next to it. The symbol of the Wolfsangel was used by the National Socialists, among others, and is therefore considered a sign of unconstitutional organizations in Germany. The Ukrainian "Azov" regiment , which experts classify as nationalist and right-wing extremist and currently defending the port city of Mariupol, also has the Wolfsangel in its coat of arms.
In addition to a Wolfsangel rune, the information board was smeared with other right-wing extremist symbols such as a swastika and probably a Celtic cross. The information board commemorates the 99 victims from the Neubrandenburg branch of the Ravensbrück concentration camp, who were buried there. Many Ukrainians were among the approximately 6,000 women who had to perform forced labor in Neubrandenburg under sometimes inhumane conditions during the Nazi era.
The police headquarters in Neubrandenburg initiated official investigations, which the state security of the Criminal Police Inspectorate in Neubrandenburg takes over. This is common in cases where political motivation is suspected. This could be due to a reference to Russia's attack on Ukraine , and right-wing extremist actions also occur again and again on Adolf Hitler's birthday. State security is investigating suspected use of license plates from unconstitutional organizations and damage to property. The city of Neubrandenburg wants to have the graffiti removed as quickly as possible after documentation, as the city hall said on request.