The U.S. Government is Developing A(H5N1) and A(H7N9) Bird Flu Vaccines in Case they are Needed
The United States federal government maintains a stockpile of vaccines, including vaccines against A(H5N1) and A(H7N9) bird flu viruses. These vaccines could be used if similar viruses were to begin spreading easily from person to person. Since flu viruses change, CDC continues to make candidate vaccine viruses (CVVs) as needed. Creating a CVV is the first step in producing a flu vaccine. More information about Making a candidate Vaccine Virus (CVV) for a Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (Bird Flu) Virus is available.
If you’re a clinician, laboratorian or public health worker
Avian Influenza: Information for Health Professionals and Laboratorians for the latest guidance.
Not to worry guys the CDC is on it
Same quarenteen procedure as covid
From the cdc
The U.S. Government is Developing A(H5N1) and A(H7N9) Bird Flu Vaccines in Case they are Needed The United States federal government maintains a stockpile of vaccines, including vaccines against A(H5N1) and A(H7N9) bird flu viruses. These vaccines could be used if similar viruses were to begin spreading easily from person to person. Since flu viruses change, CDC continues to make candidate vaccine viruses (CVVs) as needed. Creating a CVV is the first step in producing a flu vaccine. More information about Making a candidate Vaccine Virus (CVV) for a Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (Bird Flu) Virus is available.
If you’re a clinician, laboratorian or public health worker
Avian Influenza: Information for Health Professionals and Laboratorians for the latest guidance.
Yep, they are wiping out all bird stock to cause a food plandemic. I don’t like to use emojis, but 🤬😤😡
You aren’t are “dumb_okie” in the same way I’m not a “dumb_hillbilly”. (From the the Ozarks originally :-)