Newer investor. 12 at TD Ameritrade and 1 at CS. Diamond hands with opposable thumbs. That said…
What if reserve notes are replaced with treasury notes before/during/after MOASS? How will that affect apes?
I have not DRS with CS yet. How much does this matter and why? I intend to, but what are pros/cons?
Regarding DRS, should I do that before or after the upcoming stock split and why?
During/after MOASS, what about selling via CS or TD? Is one better, safer, easier or faster?
I understand all responses are not “financial advice”. Let’s discuss :-)
It means you can't buy a single share at the price at that moment like with brokerage because the way CS works your place an buy for a dollar amount and then they do a big batch buy once a day for everyone that placed an order and you end up with the number of shares that equals that amount at a time. Hence it ends up fractional. Don't worry as when you sell you can sell the fractional share just as easily and unlike buying selling is an immediate transaction (some have already tested that and the sale happened within minutes.)