LMAO!!! Elon Musk just trolled Bill Gates in EPIC fashion! 🤣🤣🤣
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🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣Well you certainly get first prize for being a complete fucking moron....I Clearly live in South Africa you idiot...As for broken English, please show me as it's my first language besides Dutch And German which I learnt living in the Netherlands....What is wrong with "people" like you....Don't try to overthink because you want to be relevant as you have failed Miserably....Moron!!!
You seem fun. You post so much here it's like your full time job, no wonder you're so cranky all the time. Or, is it your full time job? Why would a south African spend his entire day and night posting about American politics?
Also, I you fly the south African flag so hard, I'd bet money it's a decor for Syria or something.
And I'm supposed to be the one who uses "broken" English.....😏😏
Ignorant comment....If that's the case, WHY would a eastern European post ???It's not just about American politics.... You really are a fucking Moron.....Stop trying to think....it's not working out for you....
Also, it's the Mods that put the flag there idiot .... Q Was right...."people really are that stupid"...🤣🤣🤣🤣
Dude, you've replied to my comment a dozen times and messaged me a bunch attacking me.
Talk about over the target. Why are you so defensive and hostile?
REALLY?...WHY?....Because I cant stand Fucking liars ESPECIALLY when they don't know Fuck All about me or where I'm from, Yet they "CLEARLY" know where I'm from...I confront BS every time I see it and always will...
Don't flatter yourself...Incidentally, I've replied to you 5 times....Aannd That is a dozen times???... Maths is not your strong point, is it?