Your comment aligns with a theory that I have had for a while now that people of average intelligence, or even below, could get a 4 year degree if they seriously dedicated themselves for those 4 years. My reason for thinking that is because of all the educated idiots that I have dealt with over the years, people with superiority attitudes because they have a degree but, for the most part, are as dumb as a rock. I used to think that because someone went to university that they were intelligent. Not any more. There is a huge difference between an education and intelligence.
One of our profs told us that the reason college makes us employable is because we have the stamina to sit for 4 years and be told what to do, and we do it. I'm still glad I learned chemistry though. It was enjoyable.
Your comment aligns with a theory that I have had for a while now that people of average intelligence, or even below, could get a 4 year degree if they seriously dedicated themselves for those 4 years. My reason for thinking that is because of all the educated idiots that I have dealt with over the years, people with superiority attitudes because they have a degree but, for the most part, are as dumb as a rock. I used to think that because someone went to university that they were intelligent. Not any more. There is a huge difference between an education and intelligence.
One of our profs told us that the reason college makes us employable is because we have the stamina to sit for 4 years and be told what to do, and we do it. I'm still glad I learned chemistry though. It was enjoyable.