yeah if he was hauling ass too high to leave a sonic boom for you to hear, he probably didn't turn on his transponder either. Not much traffic above 60,000 ft. - not sure how high you need to be to have the boom dissipate before groundfall.
I'm not surprised, with all our rabbit holes, that we have an expert. I'm into ancient biblical research myself. Lol. A bit of a well read novice. Lol.
I've been spending time, not in translations, but in the removed books mostly, like Ezdras, Jubilees, Enoch....the KJV is the one I'm most familiar with, but the most value, from what I'm seeing, is in what they've removed and why. Make sense?
How about when you're watching the chemtrails being sprayed, and the airplane just disappears. I saw it once and a friend came to me and said the same thing.
At a glance, you can make out the centre line of the fuselage and the delta (ish) shape of the wing. And a single contrail with a gap before the hot exhaust gases meet colder air.
I'd say it's a fighter jet of some sort. Which sort, impossible to say.
"The flying machine of the future my flying machine will be heavier than air, but it will not be an aeroplane. It will have neither wings nor propellers. You might see it on the ground and you would never guess that it was a flying machine. Yet it will be able to move at will through the air in any direction with perfect safety, higher speeds than have yet been reached."
Interview with Nikola Telsa New York Herald Oct 15, 1911.
nothing special here. All military aircraft have a combat take off pattern. For some slower aircraft it's helicoil in nature. For others it's a max climb. It depends on the power to weight ratio at the time of take-off. It's probably closer to you than normal or maybe slick with no external tanks or armaments; probably both.
on the right, look down to filters, click military, then click filter.
Of course, thats assuming the military flight has transponder on and wants to be seen...
Would have to go back thirty minutes. used the filter and don't see a thing.
That was the fastest aircraft I have ever seen in my life.
yeah if he was hauling ass too high to leave a sonic boom for you to hear, he probably didn't turn on his transponder either. Not much traffic above 60,000 ft. - not sure how high you need to be to have the boom dissipate before groundfall.
I was thinking more along the lines of a hypersonic missile test
How do you know? Have you had close encounters of your own? (kidding). Carry on.
I'm not surprised, with all our rabbit holes, that we have an expert. I'm into ancient biblical research myself. Lol. A bit of a well read novice. Lol.
I've been spending time, not in translations, but in the removed books mostly, like Ezdras, Jubilees, Enoch....the KJV is the one I'm most familiar with, but the most value, from what I'm seeing, is in what they've removed and why. Make sense?
I thi k it's the hidden tech we have had hidden from us. Discovered and built right here by humans.
How about when you're watching the chemtrails being sprayed, and the airplane just disappears. I saw it once and a friend came to me and said the same thing.
Probably the Aurora, SR-91.
I work near an Air Force base from time to time, lots of jets doing training hours. When they let them rip it's something else.
At a glance, you can make out the centre line of the fuselage and the delta (ish) shape of the wing. And a single contrail with a gap before the hot exhaust gases meet colder air.
I'd say it's a fighter jet of some sort. Which sort, impossible to say.
sounds like a vtol, vertical takeoff and landing
Some jets can accelerate vertically without reheat.
Take a typical fighter --- even an older one
scream it across the deck to cruise
pull up into a vertical climb --- kick in the afterburners.
It will be impressive as hell but nothing exotic.
Thank you. Very interesting...
"The flying machine of the future my flying machine will be heavier than air, but it will not be an aeroplane. It will have neither wings nor propellers. You might see it on the ground and you would never guess that it was a flying machine. Yet it will be able to move at will through the air in any direction with perfect safety, higher speeds than have yet been reached."
Interview with Nikola Telsa New York Herald Oct 15, 1911.
Tesla's Flying Stove has a serious flaw in the design logic.
I can't tell if your joking, but it wasn't actually a stove. So please elaborate.
Another good site that shows origination and destination.
A few nights ago we watched Alien Moon, have to say it was an interesting take on what’s up with our moon.
nothing special here. All military aircraft have a combat take off pattern. For some slower aircraft it's helicoil in nature. For others it's a max climb. It depends on the power to weight ratio at the time of take-off. It's probably closer to you than normal or maybe slick with no external tanks or armaments; probably both.