I read the insurrection act and don't understand the relevance. There has to be something here that we are NOT seeing. Maybe he already has the troops on hold for when the truth comes out about the dirty election. From what I can gather it seems that Killary and company are in big deep doo-doo. Could their conspiracy void the election of 2020? Could they have worked so hard to take him down that they succeeded but not legitimately. Just pondering. Anybody have any thoughts on that. Off my rocker?
I read the insurrection act and don't understand the relevance. There has to be something here that we are NOT seeing. Maybe he already has the troops on hold for when the truth comes out about the dirty election. From what I can gather it seems that Killary and company are in big deep doo-doo. Could their conspiracy void the election of 2020? Could they have worked so hard to take him down that they succeeded but not legitimately. Just pondering. Anybody have any thoughts on that. Off my rocker?
None of this is concrete though, it's all speculation and I'm getting tired of speculation.