I read an article about a wheat farmer driving with a pastor. The pastor asked how do you know the difference between the real wheat and tares? The wheat farmer said the wheat and darnel look so much alike they can’t be separated during early stages. Uprooting one will uproot the other. He said you can only tell the difference at harvest time. The wheat head is bowed, but the darnel is not. The pastor immediately thought of Jesus parable and the end of the age. Mt. 13:24-30
the true wheat is humble and bows it’s head. The darnel looks real but in the end lifts it’s head in pride
I read an article about a wheat farmer driving with a pastor. The pastor asked how do you know the difference between the real wheat and tares? The wheat farmer said the wheat and darnel look so much alike they can’t be separated during early stages. Uprooting one will uproot the other. He said you can only tell the difference at harvest time. The wheat head is bowed, but the darnel is not. The pastor immediately thought of Jesus parable and the end of the age. Mt. 13:24-30
the true wheat is humble and bows it’s head. The darnel looks real but in the end lifts it’s head in pride
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