Much understanding has been compromised . Turn other other cheek was to stand in defiance. First slap was backhand a sign of disrespect turn the other cheek they now slap with palm they have now recognized you as an equal instead now of lesser than. The book of Maccabees 1-2 is a guerrilla war that the Israelites fought to preserve themselves when the govt over them started killing them forcing them to act against God Torah etc . Which is what we have today an attack on the women children identity laws God . True love is correcting which is the opposite of what the church is today so loving the enemy could be pushing back against their wrongs to correct make right
Much understanding has been compromised . Turn other other cheek was to stand in defiance. First slap was backhand a sign of disrespect turn the other cheek they now slap with palm they have now recognized you as an equal instead now of lesser than. The book of Maccabees 1-2 is a guerrilla war that the Israelites fought to preserve themselves when the govt over them started killing them forcing them to act against God Torah etc . Which is what we have today an attack on the women children identity laws God . True love is correcting which is the opposite of what the church is today so loving the enemy could be pushing back against their wrongs to correct make right