posted ago by Greekish ago by Greekish +15 / -0

Ben Fulford Report, April 25, 2022

Highlights (by researcher Billanon):

'When I asked the former head of MI6 "We used to be the good guys, what happened?" His answer was "the Khazarian mafia." The politicians and military of the West were redirected -against the interests of their own people- to a project to turn the entire planet into a giant animal farm. This was to be run by Khazarian gangsters out of their ancient homeland, the place we now know of as Ukraine.

'..take a look at the election that was stolen in France last Sunday. According to a CIA source, in exchange for agreeing to "lose," opposition candidate Marine Le Pen "will collect at least $300 million for her part in the show." That is why she is seen smiling after "losing" the rigged election. A sentence to be guillotined is inevitable for her now. That will wipe the smile off her face.

'it also looks like economic warfare against Joe Biden's bogus regime, as the lockdown has the effect of cutting off Chinese exports to the US. In the U.S., truckload volume at West Coast ports is already down 4.5% this week, marking the seventh straight week of truckload volume declines. This is what happens when you go bankrupt: people cut you off.'

https://eraoflight.com/2022/04/26/benjamin-fulford-full-report-km-controlled-g7-regimes-are-mathematically-doomed-despite-increased-repression/ .

Also from Billanon:

Kerry Kassidy writes out her ideas in a longer page, instead of making an hour video: The Invaders: New World Government, Alien Ai And The Terraforming Of Humanity.


An important quote: "Our fellow humans are no longer human but many are in the process of a change so profound that future generations (if they survive) will be unrecognizable to us. There is a reason why the sudden focus on biolabs is so important. The genetic takeover of humanity is a worldwide plot already in motion. And yes that involves eliminating large numbers of surplus humans to achieve their aim of world domination and takeover."