Vanishing of the Bees
In the video, the man who raised initial concerns about the colony collapse in 2007 says the FDA / EPA refuse to address the issue, he said the EPA doesn't protect anything. The colony collapse has been an issue for 15 years now.
If we have Fauci at the NIH doing viral gain of function to produce pandemics, is there not the possibility the EPA and FDA are intentionally looking the way as our be colonies collapse and it might be part of the globalist food shortage scenario we see playing out?
If you look at articles talking about the colony collapse they talk about several probable causes: pesticides, environmental changes, viruses, pests, loss of farmland. I think there is a more obvious cause I will mention in a moment..
We see colony collapse happening around the whole planet.
Here is a article out of Africa:
Bee Colony Collapse Disorder: Special Program To Support Moroccan Beekeepers
Here is a article about European colony collapse:
Why are bees dying? The U.S. and Europe have different theories.
We know heavy pesticide use (Roundup / glyphosate) is used in GMO food production. Glyphosate kills everything, weeds and bugs. The crops are genetically modified to tolerate the glyphosate, everything else dies.
However, if it were pesticides killing the bees it does not explain the colony collapse in Europe. Many countries in Europe are non-GMO. They have banned GMO farming and food production. They have also banned use of many different pesticides.
It sounds like they don't really have any answers, throwing around many possibilities but nothing concrete. The vague approach to finding the cause and fixing it seems intentional and I am sure it ties in to Klaus Schwab's Great Reset, we can eat bugs, we will have nothing and like it.
I mean for the love of God, we are talking about losing 70% of our food production if we lose the bees and the pollination they provide. You think there would be a more concerted effort on part of our government agencies to fix this issue.
My theory, what these places all have in common is chemtrails. Rosiland Peterson, California President and Co-Founder of the Agriculture Defense Coalition, has spoke to the United Nations about chemtrails and blamed them for damage being done to our forests. Chemtrails contain aluminum, strontium and barium, toxic brew of heavy metals that causes Alzheimers, immune system depletion and cancer. Kinda ties in to the same symptoms we see with the covid vaccines.
We know Bill Gates is buying up farmland, he owns a large percentage of Monsanto stocks, he is trying to take control of seed production and he also has promoted spraying the skies to block the Sun.
Harvard Scientists Funded by Bill Gates to Begin Spraying Particles Into the Sky In Experiment to Dim the Sun
Dimming the Sun? The global warming scenario is bullshit. What are they spraying in our skies? Using a fake global warming excuse to pump our skies full of dangerous toxins is the most ludicrous thing I could imagine.
I think the bee colony collapse is part of the Great Reset push, part of the food supply collapse, the globalists are behind it and our government agencies are doing nothing about it. Another conspiracy in a attempt to push mass die offs from starvation and assuming world control. These people are evil. What are your thoughts?
Stay safe my frens!!!
Easg to say, show me proof. I have been buying stuff from Aldi for 10 years because it comes from Europe and is non-GMO.
There’s a loophole in the EU. GMOs are not banned from animal feed.
I used to get products from ALDI for the same reason. Being sensitive to the GMO seed oils (canola, soy, corn), I find there is more of these getting in.