Covfefe is a misspelling of coffee. But it was absolutely on purpose, and is pretty funny once you see it. Here's the deal:
The DS is out there, and they have to give instructions to their minions somehow. They use the news. The 4am talking points. One talking head, then another, and the rest all react like parrots and write their hit pieces or whatever. Internally they call this news feed their "morning coffee." So if something totally crazy happens in their morning feed, they might choke or spurt out their coffee.
That's what happened. At the time, like most of his presidency, there was a constant drumbeat of negative news, always attacking Trump, always negative never positive. But then Kathy Griffin had her viscerally offensive "holding a bloody decapitated Trump head" incident, and it was so bad that it was a positive for Trump. People rejected Griffin and sympathized with Trump, making positive coverage.
So Trump's tweet, "Despite the constant negative press covfefe" trolled the DS for its mistake. He was saying "You make your own fake coffee, and you still screwed up, you losers!" He deleted it later because it was just for the clowns. They got it, even if the rest of us didn't.
This isn't my decode. It's from the decoding symbols guy on wordpress ( But he's usually really hard to read and it's super-long. So I'm putting it here in English for y'all.
Trump is not merely a master troll, he's a 5D meta-master troll.
i believe the reference to this act of congress makes the most sense:
Trump basically saying Obama is screwed because anything he ever did that he thought was private online is now part of his presidential records
Best decode from decoding symbols IMO is Water = Information ( meaning news contains comms)
About the bill: the covfefe bill died in committee and never became law, if I understand it correctly. So not only did the bill not succeed, it wasn't necessary to begin with. They'll get the records anyway. For that reason, I look at the covfefe bill as just an extension of the joke, kind of like the winning horse named covfefe a few years later. But maybe some day Trump will spill the beans and let us know for sure.
Yeah, watch the water makes perfect sense. It's all in the open, but so many people still can't see it.
My favorite of his posts though, was the first Afghanistan one, "taxpayer-funded child abuse." Long but simple, and it cleared up any doubts for me.
But I also like the science ones: Einstein, T-Rex, Loch Ness, and nukes. But he's a mess to read.
Nukes was top notch and I believe spot on. 2nd best decode to watch the water IMO.
The decoding symbols guy also said there were comms in "The greatest American hero"
His covid stuff, I can get into. But most of his decodes jump off his own opinion of what something means. There's no way to prove it, so it's a house of cards he's building
That's cool. But to me this seems to stand on its own. Like covfefe.