Grocery stores 100% have done this. They've raised prices 30% and say "ohhh it's because of the pandemic and our suppliers are having a rough time". On something yes but on most things no. They've raised priced 30% across the board.
Probably going on neatrly a year now, I’ve been watching the prices, especially at Kroger. Their CEO basically called his shot and said they would “have” to raise prices.
What I have observed is they raise prices to a point where people buy less. Then suddenly there will be sales where items are “discounted” anywhere from 30% to 75% under the “regular price.” I know this is an age old tactic, but the price differential and their surging profits really point to gouging.
Grocery stores 100% have done this. They've raised prices 30% and say "ohhh it's because of the pandemic and our suppliers are having a rough time". On something yes but on most things no. They've raised priced 30% across the board.
Probably going on neatrly a year now, I’ve been watching the prices, especially at Kroger. Their CEO basically called his shot and said they would “have” to raise prices.
What I have observed is they raise prices to a point where people buy less. Then suddenly there will be sales where items are “discounted” anywhere from 30% to 75% under the “regular price.” I know this is an age old tactic, but the price differential and their surging profits really point to gouging.
"but the price differential and their surging profits really point to gouging."