Elon wasted his money
If Twitter allowed loud conservative voices the Media wouldn't popularize it like they have been and would focus on their coverage whitelist of preferred social networks. The Media is obviously capable of ignoring dissenting opinion and don't give much coverage to patriots.win, gab, voat, telegram, etc. They focus on reddit, twitter, facebook, and other controlled leftist platforms.
Twitter is sustained by the media reporting about what people say on it. If they start reporting on what celebrities say on another platform Twitter will die.
IMO, this is an underestimation of EM's business acumen as well a misreading of the business, political and cultural climate. While liberal progressives and the mainstream media will pull business away there are a whole big bunch of conservatives just chaffing for a platform to replace the loss. Meme-ing will become a career path. Freedom of Speech is lethal to the present mainstream media; they are the one's at risk. EM will short/sell them and own them all for a song.