Polaris never changes position in the night sky. That’s totally incompatible with the movement required for the globe model. The same people teaching the globe lie about everything else including evolutionary biology and world history
World governments have poisoned the whole world but they would never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever lie about the globe. It is a globe, 100 percent, dont use your eyes, they lie.
They might lie about the globe. I dont blindly trust anything. I like to test things. Do you have any tests that you or I could do to prove flat earth? Cause I have some for globe earth.
Polaris never changes position in the night sky. That’s totally incompatible with the movement required for the globe model. The same people teaching the globe lie about everything else including evolutionary biology and world history
World governments have poisoned the whole world but they would never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever lie about the globe. It is a globe, 100 percent, dont use your eyes, they lie.
They might lie about the globe. I dont blindly trust anything. I like to test things. Do you have any tests that you or I could do to prove flat earth? Cause I have some for globe earth.