"Greek philosopher Aristotle figured out this one in 350 B.C., and nothing's changed. Different constellations are visible from different latitudes. Probably the two most striking examples are the Big Dipper and the Southern Cross. The Big Dipper, a set of seven stars that looks like a ladle, is always visible at latitudes of 41 degrees North or higher. Below 25 degrees South, you can't see it at all. And in northern Australia, just north of that latitude, the Big Dipper just barely squeaks above the horizon."
So why can we consistently see these constellations if the Earth is spinning, while flying through space? Are the stars all going at the same rate, too...?
When you really start to think about this idea that we are constantly hurtling through space, and everything around us is too, its kinda like...
Hmmmm. Very unintuitive, for starters.
"Greek philosopher Aristotle figured out this one in 350 B.C., and nothing's changed. Different constellations are visible from different latitudes. Probably the two most striking examples are the Big Dipper and the Southern Cross. The Big Dipper, a set of seven stars that looks like a ladle, is always visible at latitudes of 41 degrees North or higher. Below 25 degrees South, you can't see it at all. And in northern Australia, just north of that latitude, the Big Dipper just barely squeaks above the horizon."
So why can we consistently see these constellations if the Earth is spinning, while flying through space? Are the stars all going at the same rate, too...?
When you really start to think about this idea that we are constantly hurtling through space, and everything around us is too, its kinda like... Hmmmm. Very unintuitive, for starters.