In this thread, please share something you learned about vaccines, that really blew your mind...
⚠️ Vax-TYRANNY ☠️
I'll go first...
When i learned that vaccines caused "SIDS", it blew my mind,
but when i learned that SIDS was invented for the sole purpose of covering up the fact that vaccines kill babies, that really blew my mind!
I'm guessing you may be from the UK based on your username.
In the US version of the English language, the terms brainwashed and sheep are interchangeable.
Here are 3 definitions of sheep from 2003-2004, and it's how Americans generally used the term long before Covid was a thing-
Someone who mindessly follows and emulates anything and everything in the name of fame/recognition. A waste of flesh and brain cells.
Many of the kids where I live are sheep.
by RatchetBoo April 26, 2003
1. A group of people who lack the capacity for careful consideration, imagination, or individual thought, who thusly go with group and allow god awful trends and events to unfold and make us all miserable.
2. In some cultures, a substitute or alternate for a woman in the act of sex
1. People who vote along party lines are sheep, and need to be given a good bitch slap to the face.
2. Iowa, where the men are men, and the sheep are scared.
by puma_blues March 29, 2004
A person who likes anything and everything that "everyone" likes (trends, etc.) for the sake of being cool. Once that trend ends and everyone stops liking it, they promptly start disliking it and it becomes the worst thing in the world. They also mock the people that continue to follow the "uncool" trends.
Billy: Wrestling's so gay, why do you watch that? I can't stand that crap.
Billy (3 years earlier): Stone Cold rules!
by Johnny J Shmoove July 26, 2003