In this thread, please share something you learned about vaccines, that really blew your mind...
⚠️ Vax-TYRANNY ☠️
I'll go first...
When i learned that vaccines caused "SIDS", it blew my mind,
but when i learned that SIDS was invented for the sole purpose of covering up the fact that vaccines kill babies, that really blew my mind!
yes. the list of problems that vaccines cause is very long, and includes autism. we aren't dealing with honest people here. we are dealing with people who rationalize that its OK to LIE to you, because YOU are too stupid to make good choices, YOU are too stupid to interpret the data, YOU might not vaccinate, if you knew the truth, so its OK to LIE to you, to get you vaccinated.
Oh, and if you ever happen to take a child in for a "well child" visit, and you specifically say NO VACCINES, the nurse will "accidentally" vaccinate your kid anyway, because obviously YOU are too stupid to do the right thing.
Yeah I will admit to being stupid..stupid enough to trust my own country and government..that is what I was stupid about.that is what hurts most..I lost my faith in my own country. I pray I get that back one day before I die..