Is it the First week that I had ever heard of him, like in 2009??
Maybe the week after that???
Or maybe the Week I checked in on him because of the gargantuan CLAIM that he was going After, and Exposing the Bilderberg Group, which he then didn't.....
Or how about later, when he couldn't find his ass from a hole in the ground for all the drinking he was doing??
Oh, maybe I should listen to his beginning Weeks, when most of what he said was copied from Bill Cooper???
Which ""WEEK""???
Is it the First week that I had ever heard of him, like in 2009??
Maybe the week after that???
Or maybe the Week I checked in on him because of the gargantuan CLAIM that he was going After, and Exposing the Bilderberg Group, which he then didn't.....
Or how about later, when he couldn't find his ass from a hole in the ground for all the drinking he was doing??
Oh, maybe I should listen to his beginning Weeks, when most of what he said was copied from Bill Cooper???
So which ""WEEK"", exactly???