587 @realDonaldTrump Our FAVORITE PRESIDENT IS BACK!!!!! COVFEFE (media.greatawakening.win) LET'S GOOoOo posted 2 years ago by Iceman80 2 years ago by Iceman80 +587 / -0 154 comments download share 154 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
How about silver first,I'll sell some options and yolo more into gme and dwac
Running a risk w/ a YOLO based on silver moonshotting pre: GME.
How do you know silver will moon ahead of GME? Just curious.
I have leap call options on first majestic and other companies,and I have lot of physical silver and lots of GME.
When one of them moons,I will put some tendies in the other.
I like the cut of your jib. Did the same w/ crypto (don't trust it too much)... and each time it peaked, I flipped it into physical silver.
Well done pede. You deserve many tendies.
My spread is similar minus the 1st Majestic.
Thanks,soon may the tendieman come.
For the last 3 months Jan 23 calls were around 1.20 with a 20 strike price, now they are around .50,when silver moves up a couple dollers I should double or triple my investment. Options move a lot with a relatively small change in the stock.