Dear white hats, We the people have had enough. I understand you are trying to wake up the morons. Fuck them. They are too far gone to be helped. The rest of us are losing our minds. YOU are harming us, your greatest supporters and I am sick of it. We are becoming mentally ill and irreversible harmed by YOU at this point. Enough is enough it is time. Bring on the mass scare event. Whatever you have planed. Just do it. IT IS TIME. I am asking for this to end. Please Please I am begging just make this insanity end.
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I have friends who happen to be Jewish. They don't attend synagogue or do religious shit. They are good people.
This discussion is about religious Jews.
That said, your Jewish friends were still raised within the Talmudic Jewish culture, whether you like it or not.
And yes, I also have six million Jewish friends who are good people. #NotEveryJew #NotEveryMuslim #NotEveryOrc