NastyassHoneyBadger 1 point ago +3 / -2

This discussion is about religious Jews.

That said, your Jewish friends were still raised within the Talmudic Jewish culture, whether you like it or not.

And yes, I also have six million Jewish friends who are good people. #NotEveryJew #NotEveryMuslim #NotEveryOrc

NastyassHoneyBadger 1 point ago +8 / -7

Why does the Jew Moloch god / demon get mentioned so often?

I remember Jews sacrificing their children to Moloch in the bible and using the six pointed Star of Moloch as their power sigil, but are they still doing that?

I remember Jews raped about 10% of Brooklyn's children in their Jewish bathhouses back in 2013. It was described as "child rape assembly lines". Was that related to this?

NastyassHoneyBadger 2 points ago +3 / -1

I suspect "i got the coof" is either covert comms. of some kind or the Money Changers World Order have commanded them to all catch the coof because too many normies no longer fear breathing air.

NastyassHoneyBadger -3 points ago +3 / -6

Why would Jew controlled Hollywood allow such a thing?

It doesn't make any sense!!!

NastyassHoneyBadger 44 points ago +45 / -1

Just days after the "Bolshevik" election coup, their puppet president reads ZOG script from the teleprompter.

NastyassHoneyBadger 3 points ago +4 / -1

I don't think it would help because of the logistics problem of trying to distribute so much money without telecommunications because all of these systems are centralized and computer controlled.

Remember that the phone network would also be down.

Smaller gas stations might be able to cope using only cash but everything would be royally fucked because almost nobody has a business plan for when the internet and phone system is down for more than a few hours at most.

Businesses couldn't place orders for stock. Truckers couldn't communicate with HQ to collect and deliver anything. The Federal Reserve couldn't coordinate with anyone.

Everything would be fucked.

NastyassHoneyBadger 3 points ago +4 / -1


If telecommunications are down then the bank auto tellers would also fail.

And if everyone stormed the remaining bank branches for cash withdrawals, all the paper money would be gone.

NastyassHoneyBadger 0 points ago +1 / -1

When discussing the "Children of Israel" it's important to recognize the definitively mistranslated term in the KJV bible that repeatedly and incorrectly states that Jesus is the King of the Jews rather than what the original ancient Greek Gospel truly says which is that Jesus is King of the people of Judea.

The different is enormous because Judea had a diverse population of Latin, Arab, Egyptian and Jewish people.

The mistranslation is like claiming Biden is the President of the Chinese race because Chinese-Americans live in America.

NastyassHoneyBadger -1 points ago +2 / -3

So you seriously expect me to take at face value that the Talmud is censored in translations

No, you are welcome to look for yourself. Go and research it and learn the truth, but it took me a long time to start noticing when certain passages were absent. Some English-language Talmud websites have a little, tiny, hidden disclaimer saying something like "Some content has not been translated for reasons of cohesion" or something similarly ambiguous.

but all Jews just magically know to follow the untampered untranslated version of the Talmud

Rabbis certainly do because it's written in Hebrew and every other religious Jew only studies the original Hebrew versions. So yes, you are correct.

and all Jews are on the same page about the interpretation of it?

That's precisely why Jews study the Talmud which is a collection of Judaism's most respected religious scholars on how to interpret the Torah.

And even Jews who've never studied the Talmud were raised in the Talmudic Jewish culture.

Is there anything else I can help you with?

NastyassHoneyBadger -1 points ago +2 / -3

The problem with your Kabbala theory is it stretches back to the first days of Judaism because it is the study of the Talmud... and the Talmud has shaped all Jewish law, culture and belief for over 3,000 years... long before it was transcribed into books when it was passed down from one generation to the next.

People use the term Kabbala either as a euphemism to avoid the ban-hammer or as a scapegoat to derail discussions.

Your theory fails on all fronts because you'll admit to having no proof of anything you said and no way of differentiating one group of Jews from another except by your feelings / imagination. And your Babylonian Talmud doesn't exist - it's as elusive as Sasquatch and is only mentioned when non-Jews discover something horrific in the Jewish Talmud that they weren't supposed to see and is usually censored in English translations.

You have nothing.

Better luck next time.

NastyassHoneyBadger 4 points ago +5 / -1

These people are intended to humiliate America and demoralize patriots.

NastyassHoneyBadger 1 point ago +2 / -1

The Plan needs to involve the trial and legal execution of our first black president, our first black first lady, our first black attorney general, our first black female attorney general, our first black vice president and our first black UN representative.

I hope they're executed by firing squad rather than gallows because the optics would be terrible for children to visit the political wing of the National Museum of African American History and Culture and every exhibit shows a black politician hanging from a rope because they were all deserved to die.

NastyassHoneyBadger -1 points ago +1 / -2

And then Larry Fink's nose grew even bigger... just like Pinocchio.

NastyassHoneyBadger 1 point ago +3 / -2

It's blatant that Facebook, Instagram, Google, Printerest, Reddit, Snapchat, Messenger and YouTube are all owned by Jews who are all working together to kill America from within like a cancer.

It's no different to all the Jews that own our mainstream media and how even President Trump recognizes our MSM as the enemy of the American people because they all work together to kill us.

Q says there are no coincidences and this "coincidence" is mathematically impossible.

I doubt their New World Order / Great Reset plans will change because Musk now owns Twitter.

I suspect the only difference will be that Twitter won't be represented when they're all receiving their 4am updates on which false narratives to push and how to cause maximum harm to America and the white race.

NastyassHoneyBadger 0 points ago +2 / -2

I think women who get raped should be the exception.

Our country is overflowing with orphan black babies that nobody wants already without making matters worse.

NastyassHoneyBadger -1 points ago +3 / -4

And yet everything I said is true.

It's literally already happened.


  • Denial <=== You are here

  • Anger

  • Bargaining

  • Depression

  • Acceptance

NastyassHoneyBadger 1 point ago +4 / -3

Why is Sanders holding a bag full of trash that someone else collected?

Did he steal it from a homeless man, thinking it was a bag of shekels or rape porn?

EDIT: Ha ha ha ha ha. My entire comment history was down-voted because I criticized dirty, dirty Sanders.

NastyassHoneyBadger -4 points ago +3 / -7

You are confusing your theories and fantasies with reality. Currently there is no miracle cure that will restore half of America and the white race. You enjoy believing this because you are still the first stage of coping.

I never said what would happen in the future, but it's almost certain what path we're on because our children are already dropping like flies and the Covid-19 vaccine death rates are skyrocketing.

Everything I said is true right now, irrespective of your feelings or fantasies.

NastyassHoneyBadger 1 point ago +4 / -3

After learning the truth about WW2, nothing surprises me anymore.

NastyassHoneyBadger -3 points ago +1 / -4

Wew - hang on.

The Nazis fought the New World Order Rothschild central bankers and fought the New World Order communist Bolsheviks and fought the New World Order World Conference of Jews (which later became the Bilderberg Group and the World Economic Forum).

Either the NASA are New World Order globalists OR Nazis, but they can't be both.

You can't have you cake and eat it too.

NastyassHoneyBadger -2 points ago +3 / -5

And yet everything I said is still true.

deleted -6 points ago +5 / -11
NastyassHoneyBadger -2 points ago +1 / -3

And now the "money changer" psychologists have convinced all of those children to become trannies. Psychologist and doctor hand rubbing intensifies.

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