"As a personal card, the reversed Hanged Man signifies some kind of martyr-victim scenario. One person oppresses the other, but both are locked into a destructive game that neither can win. The position will reveal whether you are the victim of such emotional pressure yourself. Either way, it is time to let go, because this is entirely a no-win situation for all concerned."
The Renaissance Tarot, by Jane Lyle
The way I would interpret this is that Biden is the martyr-victim, with his bent leg pointing towards the person who is oppressing him: Obama. They are both locked into a game that neither can win because Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming.
One note I just read said that in some places traitors were hanged by one foot like this, then dismissed the implications of guilt and punishment in that fact (if it is a fact) by noting that the Hanged Man has a very serene expression and pose, so therefore he is actually sacrificing himself for something. Little stretch there. Everything in the Tarot pictures is symbolic of--something, but the various artists who have tackled this project have varied symbols reflecting their opinions. Why Tarot readings are unreliable. Anyway, if a card is upside down from the normal view, it means something different.
The Tau cross that the Hanged Man is suspended from can represent "The World Tree" --Yggdrasil -- that Odin sacrificed himself on.
"Odin’s self-sacrifice
Sitting on his throne, Hlidskjalf, with Frigg in the hall of Valhalla, Odin looked out across the whole world. But he wanted to know everything and gain wisdom and knowledge of things hidden from him. This was a desire that drove him to sacrifice himself.
He sacrificed his eye [one-eyed god, as in all-seeing eye] in Mimir’s well and he threw himself on his spear Gungnir in a kind of symbolic, ritual suicide. He then hanged himself in Yggdrasil, the tree of life, for nine days and nine nights in order to gain knowledge of other worlds and be able to understand the runes.
During his sacrificial actions, he saw visions and received secret wisdom. The magical knowledge he gained made him able to cure the sick, calm storms, turn weapons against his attackers, make women fall in love and render dangerous troll women harmless – often just with a look."
interesting post^ and I'm out in the countryside, camping. waiting for the Trump rally, and our RV neighbor was just talking to us about Odin;) funny how that happens.
The Hanged Man (Reversed)
"As a personal card, the reversed Hanged Man signifies some kind of martyr-victim scenario. One person oppresses the other, but both are locked into a destructive game that neither can win. The position will reveal whether you are the victim of such emotional pressure yourself. Either way, it is time to let go, because this is entirely a no-win situation for all concerned."
The Renaissance Tarot, by Jane Lyle
The way I would interpret this is that Biden is the martyr-victim, with his bent leg pointing towards the person who is oppressing him: Obama. They are both locked into a game that neither can win because Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming.
One note I just read said that in some places traitors were hanged by one foot like this, then dismissed the implications of guilt and punishment in that fact (if it is a fact) by noting that the Hanged Man has a very serene expression and pose, so therefore he is actually sacrificing himself for something. Little stretch there. Everything in the Tarot pictures is symbolic of--something, but the various artists who have tackled this project have varied symbols reflecting their opinions. Why Tarot readings are unreliable. Anyway, if a card is upside down from the normal view, it means something different.
The Tau cross that the Hanged Man is suspended from can represent "The World Tree" --Yggdrasil -- that Odin sacrificed himself on.
"Odin’s self-sacrifice
Sitting on his throne, Hlidskjalf, with Frigg in the hall of Valhalla, Odin looked out across the whole world. But he wanted to know everything and gain wisdom and knowledge of things hidden from him. This was a desire that drove him to sacrifice himself.
He sacrificed his eye [one-eyed god, as in all-seeing eye] in Mimir’s well and he threw himself on his spear Gungnir in a kind of symbolic, ritual suicide. He then hanged himself in Yggdrasil, the tree of life, for nine days and nine nights in order to gain knowledge of other worlds and be able to understand the runes.
During his sacrificial actions, he saw visions and received secret wisdom. The magical knowledge he gained made him able to cure the sick, calm storms, turn weapons against his attackers, make women fall in love and render dangerous troll women harmless – often just with a look."
Since it was self-sacrifice in search of knowledge, he has a serene look on his face.
Somehow it is hard to reconcile self-sacrifice and wisdom with POTATUS. I think I have to stick with discomfort.
That's because this is the interpretation when hanging. Joe is the reverse because he is upright.
interesting post^ and I'm out in the countryside, camping. waiting for the Trump rally, and our RV neighbor was just talking to us about Odin;) funny how that happens.
I think even the person playing Biden wants all this to end.