Random garble. Most times when they say they flood the market with cash, they don't even mean cash, they mean liquidity. You're over thinking. But inflation is bad no matter what, and blackouts are messy no matter what. Don't add extra stuff.
Remember, the American dollar is going to crash or has to seem to be almost crashing before they swap it for gold backed bills. The entire monetary system has to undergo a shift, while keeping everyone alive, while also removing the parasites that were shorting everything and destroying companies for profit.
It's a big mess but they can't just pull the plug. They need to teach the population to feed themselves first with all these food shortage scares. Then internet scares. It's all just to train the population to take alternative measures. If they wanted death and destruction you would pull the plug instantly on Jan 1.
Random garble. Most times when they say they flood the market with cash, they don't even mean cash, they mean liquidity. You're over thinking. But inflation is bad no matter what, and blackouts are messy no matter what. Don't add extra stuff.
Yup. Computer fan go BRRR, printing press go quietrrr. And they're still making even less quarters than normal, too.
Remember, the American dollar is going to crash or has to seem to be almost crashing before they swap it for gold backed bills. The entire monetary system has to undergo a shift, while keeping everyone alive, while also removing the parasites that were shorting everything and destroying companies for profit.
It's a big mess but they can't just pull the plug. They need to teach the population to feed themselves first with all these food shortage scares. Then internet scares. It's all just to train the population to take alternative measures. If they wanted death and destruction you would pull the plug instantly on Jan 1.