Every day is the same with the MSM. They want us to be worried about something or want us to think something is bad or good. When they are done with one topic they move on to the next and push it till it dies out.
We have the most powerful defense and it’s the highest, most used filter in a human mind.
Its called positivity bias. It tells us we are good at things. We know stuff. We have an accurate assessment on everything. We can trust.
We are primed to trust our people above all. Our tribe is the best, we have it right. I trust the opinion of someone that grew up in my town over that big city liberal, who is foreign to me. Of course that guy is wrong about everything.
So look there! The scams are from overseas! They can’t be in two places at once. The scams are from the other tribe!
Not my tribe.
Rates of psychopathy and narcissism that lead to criminal behaviors, compulsive lying and scam-fuckery are 1 percent each in all communities. That’s 2 percent.
So once you know, out of 100 people in your neighborhood, 2 would rob your garage if you left it open, or sell you a jacked used car, you’re better off. Then you can actually expect 2 percent of the people in your own tribe and culture will be these kinds of assholes.
Most here believe in what they’re reading from Q.
All the Q spin off material, every single video, platform, blog, webcast, podcast is produced for two reasons: need and convenience, accessibility.
In fact, they built the Q tribe so trust would be automatic, and it worked so well GA had to implore, punish, and admonish over trusting everything. GA had to set a huge boundary that things were verified, even then, stay alert.
Making a career in podcasting, webcast, blogs is not a crime. But understand they must do dramatic things to get you to listen, this is their investment now and you are the customer.
Every day is the same with the MSM. They want us to be worried about something or want us to think something is bad or good. When they are done with one topic they move on to the next and push it till it dies out.
“I want to believe” that’s just it.
We have the most powerful defense and it’s the highest, most used filter in a human mind.
Its called positivity bias. It tells us we are good at things. We know stuff. We have an accurate assessment on everything. We can trust.
We are primed to trust our people above all. Our tribe is the best, we have it right. I trust the opinion of someone that grew up in my town over that big city liberal, who is foreign to me. Of course that guy is wrong about everything.
So look there! The scams are from overseas! They can’t be in two places at once. The scams are from the other tribe!
Not my tribe.
Rates of psychopathy and narcissism that lead to criminal behaviors, compulsive lying and scam-fuckery are 1 percent each in all communities. That’s 2 percent.
So once you know, out of 100 people in your neighborhood, 2 would rob your garage if you left it open, or sell you a jacked used car, you’re better off. Then you can actually expect 2 percent of the people in your own tribe and culture will be these kinds of assholes.
Most here believe in what they’re reading from Q.
All the Q spin off material, every single video, platform, blog, webcast, podcast is produced for two reasons: need and convenience, accessibility.
In fact, they built the Q tribe so trust would be automatic, and it worked so well GA had to implore, punish, and admonish over trusting everything. GA had to set a huge boundary that things were verified, even then, stay alert.
Making a career in podcasting, webcast, blogs is not a crime. But understand they must do dramatic things to get you to listen, this is their investment now and you are the customer.
That is the definition of "news": new topics focused on daily until replaced with new timely topics.
Even OAN does this. Cuz news.