Contracts so he had to stop traveling because he can’t get onto the government bases. She said “Well, we all got vaxxed cause it just made it easier to get along with being able to do stuff. We’ll see what happens if we all start to grow a third arm or something in 10 yrs!” So she knows the “possible”side effects but “easier to do stuff” was more important! Hope she lives long enough to grow that arm! Can’t believe this!
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Let's face it, most people don't join the military to start thinking for themselves, do they?
Not saying there aren't 'thinkers' in the ranks, but I can't ever say that it was part of their marketing.
No offence to our military personnel, but you are trained to follow orders and not many would stand up to an illegal order unless it was truly 'in your face' evil.
Just realised you mentioned contractors, not enlisted. My bad.
Some of us did join the Services to better ourselves, yeah.
Speaking of an older Service here, before queers, before don't ask don't tell.... yeah we were trained to follow LEGAL orders but we had classes and training on refusing illegal orders, we were briefed regularly on our Duty to refuse illegal orders.
I daresay 95% of us would not obey illegal orders, back then. I was USAF, USAF only accepted volunteers, no draftees, so we all signed up for better reasons than the Draft Board. That said, when Carter granted amnesty to draft dodgers a lot of people I Served with were PO'd to the point of mutiny, some did join to escape the draft of course. I myself had a draft number but had planned since high school to enlist.
We were definitely taught to think for ourselves, it was demanded of us daily in the USAF. My shop worked on nukular weapons and we were expected daily to refuse illegal intrusions by non-qualified officers into our doings, just because someone had a clearance did not mean they also had Need to Know. I personally was involved in more than a couple dozen instances where superior officers tried to demand something of us and I would have to refuse, with an O-6 yelling at me that my E-4 azz was headed to Leavenworth if I didn't gibs him what he wanted and right now. We were trained to not flinch, to refer the person to our chain of command and to please go see my CO.
No, we would NOT have followed illegal orders, we were trained to ONLY follow legal orders, and to use the informal chain of command to get help figuring it out if needed.
The informal chain of command included senior enlisted men - First Shirt and others , maybe a couple senior officers giving unofficial advice - to help you with that. But if pressed, we were told that if we exercised the correct format, politely refuse the orders until they were issued from within our own chain of command by proper authority and in support of the Mission, if we did that we would not be punished for disobeying because we would in fact be following higher orders requiring that we verify the orders.
You needed to be damn sure you were correct before you refused but you were expected to refuse when necessary.
I don't trust today's military, it is full of queers and other diseases, it may be useless to us now, it may in fact be an Enemy Tool.
But back then, after Calley in Vietnam we were trained to notice and refuse illegal orders.
Well why didn't they refuse the jab? Experimental gene therapy? No testing? They could have wiped the military out. B
The whole military is jabbed now or will be within a few months.
There was never any retreat for the military, medical or federal contractors.
Vaccinations are proceeding.
So if the vaccine is that bad, we won’t have a military. If the vaccine truly does what they say it does, the white hats allowed The whole military to be vaxxed.
That’s why I don’t think the vaccine is as bad, I think it’s the antivaccine industry that brings in a billion dollars a year now.
Let me speak MY truth and what I’ve uncovered with my own research. This board should accept dissenting opinions lest it be just like Twitter or worse!
Vaccine awareness industry is now bringing in over a billion dollars a year through speaking events, books, donations. Thats a huge motivation.
I do believe they are hiding some of the problems, but just like what we saw with Covid, someone had a car accident, must be Covid, that same bias is now playing with the vaccine.
That’s because these biases are common among humans, biases don’t care what political caste you are.
Deaths above average are a mix of delayed care because of the pandemic, stress from the lockdowns, actual cases of Covid, the bioweapon that later caused strokes - these people all had Covid and the vaccine. Both of them had influenced medical issues.
It’s not vax AIDS causing every single outcome. Just like it’s not Covid causing every single outcome. The lockdown stress isn’t causing every single suicide. It’s another factor.
Delayed care isn’t causing every single outcome.
It’s multifactorial.
For each person it’s always, just like Covid, underlying health issues, current stressors, diet, exercise, even recent water intake if it’s a stroke, then continue with the list of factors— recent infection? Recent vaccination?
Add those factors up with varying percentages of interplay and you then have the outcome.
Vaccines are not the sole reason, they can’t be. What happened to the other reasons people have heart attacks and strokes, did they just disappear when the vaccine came out? Or Covid?
People died randomly before Covid and those numbers were increasing already as rural hospitals were closing, rural nursing homes - 50% closed in the last decade after 2008.
2008 itself lead to job losses and loss of insurance.
This has been building for a long time.
I’ve reviewed the VAERS reports, there’s a few hundred thousand of them. Most are side effects that didn’t lead to death, out of the deaths, even 50 thousand, is still a drop in the bucket when 150 million vaccines were delivered.
These are, and have been, acceptable amounts of deaths during vaccination.
While it’s shitty and sad they are considered normal, that’s the case.
Millions aren’t, and won’t be dying from the vaccine.
The antics I see from vaccine awareness groups are the same I see from pharma.
Truth is none of these people but God almighty knows. Pushing vaccine awareness for billions of dollars is no different to me than pushing pharmaceuticals for billions of dollars.
The way I’d trust someone is if in their free time they educated on these issues. If that’s your full time job, you’re invested and selling something.
Here’s your wealthy Jewish, liberal, NYC donor to ICAN.
Oh directs and he gives money to historical museums. Nothing to see here.
“Selz was a director of the Center for Jewish History until April 2015, according to the Center’s 2015 tax filings. The Selz foundation has donating tens of thousands of dollars to the Center over the years. They have also donated large amounts to colleges and universities and causes varying from civil liberties, to ending the war on drugs, to the arts. In 2016, Manhattan’s Frick Collection museum announced that Selz would become a director of the museum.”
MSM but shows tax filings. This is just for one group, there are many, many more worldwide. I’ve looked into all of them so I will cite.
I think you are right.i know lots who were not vaxxed and are fine. However as viruses and germs are not contagious much evidence....why are they doing this? I read that it shows up on your mobile phone so they know who you are and when you were vaxxed. Marked like cattle. Again ...why?
Is it to divide humanity up? To be shipped off planet? Is it just to divert attention and to divide again? Vaxxed v. Anti vaxx?
On this board nothing else was discussed for along time. So boring
The el homin ...the so-called gods...who came five thousand years ago insisted that before humans approached them they had to strip off announced with oil all over..scrubbed in and the mixture was anti bacterial etc so they were concerned to catch something. ..what a joke!!!. They were also protected....are they trying to protect us from an alien return? Or 5g which they say is damaging....but is it?
Perhaps it is damaging to hybrids? Trump hinted years ago the wall was so much more....what if all the cloning has continued from the el homin who cloned Adam and Eve using some of their DNA ? What if trump's wall stops clones? Is that what x-rays in airports were really for? Was the testing during COVID to get people's DNA and check who was a hybrid? And if so why?
Endless questions....