posted ago by GoingCamaro ago by GoingCamaro +35 / -1

Let's take things back to 2020. Why in the fuck would you pick Kum-all-over-me Harris instead of Bernie? I know the ticket would literally be BS, but if I am the DNC and I'm planning a mass rigging, then I'm going to run the most convincing ticket possible. Imagine how much harder the fraud would be to prove? In fact I doubt audits would happen at all as Sanders did have his own grassroots following...

Ever since then, Kum-all-over-me has been just awful. Like comically awful. Almost as if she is intentionally making the administration look bad. Then there's Biden taking orders from the Easter Bunny, not knowing where to walk and so forth...

Now the new Ministry of Truth, just days after Elon buys Twatter- DAYS, people and this new organization is being brought online with yet another clown. Another clown that is so comically bad for that job...

"What makes a good movie? Good actors?"

I'm curious as to what metric of "good" we're using here because it's starting to feel like this whole thing is Q controlled... I can't help but think of V for Vendetta when V puts Evey through the simulated torture. And while she wanted to hate him, in the end she was able to stand tall on her own two feet. She became stronger because of it and no longer lived in fear...

That has been my experience since Trump "stepped down"... I don't know for certain if they have full control or are letting the Dems hang themselves with stupidity. Whether they let them cheat or the entire election was a sham, all I know is it HAD to be this way. The plans aren't about getting our guys in power... They really are going for complete annihilation of the cabal while also showing us the pain of why we must never trust these clowns again. Love it or hate it, it is what it is. The idea of this country is that we would all take care of ourselves and instead we have a system that has created a dependency problem. You complain about high gas and shortage of food, yet you're the one's who choose to participate in their evil system. The grocery store isn't responsible for providing you food. You are. The gas station isn't required to accommodate your transportation needs. We have the means to take care of ourselves. But instead of seeking those alternatives, we embrace convenience and comfort. In the end... We did this all to ourselves.