Soooo....1 day in and we find out shes a groomer....
🐸 OK, GROOMER! 🏳️⚧️
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It sounds like you are saying all media,, all literature, all social discourse, should be censored of any content that could give anyone sexual ideas. Besides the fact that teenagers are suddenly confused and consumed by sexual ideas already,, and need steering in a moral direction, how does it help anything to make bad choices verboten?
I don't believe your characterization is entirely wrong. I would argue that these actions within media, video games, cinema, arts, and other forms of entertainment are by design. What matters to the groomer is the impact on the groomed. The slippery slope is not a myth and there can certainly be no dispute that the lines and boundaries and what is normal (no one dares to criticize desmond and troon story hour) have shifted. This is really only possible through a full court press of exposure. We swim in a veritable ocean of this.
I see the art aspect of all this, including literature and music, somewhat differently. First, if you have ever hung out with any artists, you may have noticed that their work and philosophy tends to fall into certain categories:
Second, people are very sexual. Even the primmest spinster can be surprising. Sex is only a little behind breathing, sleeping, and eating as constant drive, or we wouldn't be here discussing child development. I predate electronics and spend a lot of time in the further past, and can't think of a place or time where sex was not a frequent component in art. It won't go away. It's in the Bible. We will always have sex and have to explain it to children, because they will soon notice they have parts that don't seem to have a purpose, or see classic Greek statues, or pregnant women. There used to be different developmentally appropriate explanations leading up to the Big Reveal but someone hijacked that and decided to dump it on toddlers. Complete with art that speaks to the target with both thought and feeling. THIS is grooming, not reading about someone doing it. It is introducing concepts before they can be understood, encouraging behaviours whose consequences can't be understood, splitting children from family tradition,and generally causing confusion. The object of any brainwashing has to be softened up and in a personal way. And then the dominator has to interact in a personal way.
I appreciate the thoughtful commentary. As opposed to individualized acts of grooming, I see the mass consumed conditioning perhaps more meaningful as it shifts the entire culture towards debauchery and permissiveness. I believe these changes are only recognizable through the lens of time accompanied with the preservation of historical and cultural references. There are good reasons that accurate history is being destroy or actively corrupted. I still contend that grooming involves many actions and many of those fall under the aegis of education (at least in contemporary society), artistic expression, and amusement. These labels act as cover and serves to disarm an otherwise attentive parent or guardian. Soft sell can involve people simply reading about relations between adults and children. It is a process, like watching porn. The real impact occurs in the subconscious mind. Images and ideas are like seeds planted in the mind which sprout and grow into other things. There's a lot more than adults trying to have sex with children goin on here. We are experiencing the destruction of culture, nation, and dare I say, empire. Empires have been destroyed many times before, and the process seems far too formulaic to be coincidence.