Birx: With Pence Approval I Went to Local Media to Contradict Trump on COVID
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I never once heard him reference "injecting bleach." I did hear him say they were looking into "bleach, sunlight, and other things" that could be taken internally.
First, his statement said they were exploring it. Second, there were reports of UV products that could be ingested. Third, the use of saline in the nasal passage creates Hypochlorous Acid - the main disinfectant in bleach. (A side note on saline: parts of India and Bangladesh used traditional neti pots as a means to clear their nasal passages to prevent/lessen covid. Reports from there indicate that it worked.)
But of course, all the media heard was "Trump said drink bleach."
In reality, President Trump never mentioned bleach.
Piers Morgan interviewed Nigel Farage about it and it got rather heated. Morgan insisted that Trump said bleach and Farage said not, so Morgan played the clip. Trump said disinfectant. Morgan told us that disinfectant was bleach. Farage denied Trump said bleach and I think the clip was played twice more.
Strangely, when Morgan hears "disinfectant" he hears "bleach". OK, bleach is a disinfectant but that does not make disinfectant bleach. Formaldehyde is a disinfectant and that is regurlarly added to vaccines so where does that leave us?
The media have been pushing the "bleach" word but it is classic fake news.
He was probably talking about Chlorine Dioxide or MMS. It works. I have used it numerous times most recently go get rid of a stubborn sinus infection. Was nice not to need an antibiotic.