Aldobrandini (Swiss Bank), Borja, Breakspear (Broke it, didn't like shake it), Chigi, Conti, Colonna (Columbus, Collins, Cohen, Kohn, Khan etc.), Este, Farnese (Most powerful at least prior to Trump takedown), Gaetani, Medici, Orsini (Rothschilds, Rockefellers etc would be here as would offshoots the Toms Cruise and Hanks), Pamphili & Somaglia.
Yes they all sound Italian because they've been residing in Italy for the past 500+ years. Made Venezia from the ashes of Phoenecia.
I did a deep dive maybe 5 years ago involving the Venetians and your post tickles me. I have never ever seen or heard anyone else point out who the Venetians really are.
About the time these boards were heavy into discussing US the nation vs US the corporation, and who else is a corporation, and which corp owns which other corps, etc., I started researching this and admirity law. Both led me to the Venetians.
And a deep dive on them revealed Phoenecia. Amazing. Great post!
Please name them.
Aldobrandini (Swiss Bank), Borja, Breakspear (Broke it, didn't like shake it), Chigi, Conti, Colonna (Columbus, Collins, Cohen, Kohn, Khan etc.), Este, Farnese (Most powerful at least prior to Trump takedown), Gaetani, Medici, Orsini (Rothschilds, Rockefellers etc would be here as would offshoots the Toms Cruise and Hanks), Pamphili & Somaglia.
Yes they all sound Italian because they've been residing in Italy for the past 500+ years. Made Venezia from the ashes of Phoenecia.
I did a deep dive maybe 5 years ago involving the Venetians and your post tickles me. I have never ever seen or heard anyone else point out who the Venetians really are.
About the time these boards were heavy into discussing US the nation vs US the corporation, and who else is a corporation, and which corp owns which other corps, etc., I started researching this and admirity law. Both led me to the Venetians.
And a deep dive on them revealed Phoenecia. Amazing. Great post!
Any links were retards like me can learn and spread this great info?