Exactly. That first woman was just being stupid. Not totally sure what she did but then she tried to play victim to get away with it.
The second girl was just not wearing her seat belt, was only a few blocks from her house, and was clearly afraid of the police because she didn't understand why she was being pulled over. I'm not saying she reacted the right way, but she had every reason to be afraid. Her gut was telling her the man banging on her window is a bad person... don't open the door.
The police have gone from protecting and serving to proving they are in charge at all costs. The problem is they aren't supposed to be in charge. They are supposed to work for us. They are supposed to be protecting us. Instead if we dare to buck up on them in any way(rightly or wrongly) they crush us with everything they have so we know our place.
The best part of all of it is when he asks her what her name is and she says nothing. He then says that failure to identify yourself is another charge. That is absolute BS. The 5th amendment is quite clear. "nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself" He can't compel her to say her name with the threat of a criminal charge because she didn't. That's like 3 layers deep of stupid. Miranda rights even says "you have the right to remain silent"... unless I demand you tell me your name? SMH...
Both cops were being bullies the first one was justified. The 2nd one I'm not so sure about. Need more info.
Your right though... this won't end well. Both of those girls have fathers and brothers and cousins. At some point it will be too much and they will start fighting back. It inevitable.
On a side note you can take that right to drive crap and shove it up your ass. We all know that if cars had existed back then the founded fathers would have accounted for that in the constitution etc. Freedom of movement is a basic given right. Cars are ATM the most common form of movement. The fact that you are willing to just give the fucking government control of that without even putting up a good argument proves you might want to read this site a little harder and understand more deeply WTF is really going on here.
Next you will tell me 2A is a suggestion not a right. Or it only allows us to have muskets. Rolls-eyes
I never said we had no need for traffic laws. I was referring to the argument used by the leftists that driving a vehicle is a privilege not a right(which I thought you were referring to based on your wording). Then they with the power of government take that privilege away from us if we are bad little tax slaves.
The truth is it backfired on them like everything else because its hard as hell to make a proper wage and pay those taxes when you can't drive anywhere. Just like abortion and gun rights its been argued to death(I suggest you look it up), but in the end we sort of won by default. If they had their way we wouldn't have the ability to drive around and everything would be public transit. See green agenda.
But do not doubt they would still ride around in their limos and private jets.
And sense when is me not wearing my seat-belt putting you in danger? Yet I can be pulled over and beat up/caged because of it. I'm in 500 times the danger being harangued and bullied by a cop with a gun than I am driving home without a seat belt. The whole fucking point is to PROTECT MY LIFE... or in the 2nd girls case HER LIFE. Yet in the name of protecting her life they then smash her window and drag her out of her car. It defies common sense and goes entirely against the whole fucking point of making that law to begin with.
(insert beatings will continue until moral improves meme)
Now we circle back around to the real point. Police have been brainwashed into believing that their authority over us is more important than our very safety. Read that again! They fucking murder people on the regular in the name of nothing else but reinforcing their authority over us. Its not about the law. Its about power over us. Wake the fuck up.
Do you even listen to yourself? So your solution to jackboot thugs beating up on little girls because the law says they can is for me to go to the corrupt legislators that made the very laws giving them the right to beat up on little girls for traffic violations and beg for them to change said law. So they can then ignore me like they do everyone else because I didn't elect them... THE CHEATING FUCKING BASTARDS ELECTED THEMSELVES.
You clearly haven't thought this through or you don't read these boards very much. You just post blindly?
Yeah yeah... I get I'm stretching things a little bit. I'm just trying to point out to you the slippery slope you leaped off of like it was a cliff with your blind reverence for but muh LEOs are just doing their jobs. They are enforcing THE LAW(in my best Silvester Stallone voice - I am THE LAW!). Those girls didn't obey orders from THEIR MASTERS! COMPLY(your word) or be beaten, tazed, and caged. Is that what freedom looks like to you? Cause it certainly makes me feel free to know that several grown ass men can drag my daughter out of her car and put her in a cage because she dared to not wear her seat-belt and didn't comply with every command like a good little tax slave.
This is no different than the subliminal programming the cabal has been feeding us for decades via Hollywood. Every character is LGBT. Every couple is mixed race. On and on and on...
Same thing. They've been feeding LEO a steady diet of... no matter what they must obey you and you must obey us. Guess what you get after a while... you get Canada where the cops beat the crap out of truckers. The ones that are willing to dehumanize a teenage girl are the ones that get promoted and the good ones they get pushed aside.
At the exact same time they teach cops to not just demand respect but to beat the fuck out of anyone that doesn't give it to you... they teach the public not to respect cops and also to fear them. Get it now? The trick is the cops don't have to be bullies and thugs. Yet they are... because they are drunk on their own power.
I get its all gray and nothing is black and white, but its up to the cops to be better men. They, for the most part, are failing miserably, and that's on them. When they take it too far, and we know that will happen because it always does when people are drunk on power, they will reap the rewards. I wonder why police shootings are up. Its almost like its already started. The cabal gets exactly what they want... chaos.
Have you ever had your ass kicked by a cop? I have. And no it was not earned in the least. You're like a child. That's not meant as an insult. Its meant as a simple statement of fact. You are spewing talking points with no real world basis or understanding of how it REALLY works.
I'm 50+ years old. My house has been raided twice. I've done time in jail. None of this was earned. It was forced onto me by a system that is UTTERLY BROKEN. I don't drink. I don't do drugs. I'm honest to a fault. I'm about as far from being a criminal as a person could possibly be. Yet our legal system has spent decades trying its hardest to prove I deserve to be in jail. They constantly fail.
They... this is not a joke... back in the 90s they tried to say I was a uni-bomber. ATF raided my house. It was actually kind of fun. I laughed right in the face of on ATF agent. Like belly laugh. You know what he did? Have a nice day. Cause it was all BS. Local LEOs were on a power trip. Thought they would all get awards or some shit. They should have all been fired for gross negligence. Nope. Bullies get pats on the back. Cabal orders.
You/LEO hide behind the danger as a shield... BUT I might be hurt so its okay that I hurt someone else. That's literally what your saying. And your right, it is dangerous. And I'm not even saying those cops were exceptionally unprofessional. I'm saying THE WAY THEY WERE TRAINED IS WRONG!!!
They have been trained that their authority is all important and anyone or anything that challenges that authority shall be crushed. They then pile on charges(earned or not) and everyone does what you did... just another criminal got what they deserved. Yet, you ignore the basic fact that the only reason they are a criminal is because they dared to not comply in the first place.
Its a self fulfilling prophecy. You give cops the power then they use that power to staple a scarlet letter to someone's forehead... criminal. No one even asks any more if the person really did anything wrong. They point to the video... she didn't comply. BURN THE WITCH.
The real self fulfilling prophecy is that sort of training is part of the reason why no one respects cops any more. No one respects a bully. People fear bullies. They don't respect them.
And yeah I get it, I really do, if no one complies with cops at all then you really have chaos. I'm not saying everyone should ignore cops. I'm saying cops need to read the situation. The first woman was clearly just playing the victim card and playing it badly. That 2nd girl might have been genuinely scared OF THE COPS. Listen to the cops tone of voice. He wasn't fucking afraid of her in the least. He did what he did purely to prove beyond any doubt that she must comply or else.
He couldn't take a few more minutes to calm her down? Maybe calm himself down while he was at it? He couldn't call a female officer that had better people skills to calm her down and talk her out of the car? Nope. It was all power trip and comply or get wrecked. As I said... bully. (note - after you talk her out of the car you should give her a good lecture on listening to police orders)
Imagine for one millisecond that guy wasn't a cop, and the girl is your daughter. The cop acted just like any angry boyfriend I've ever seen. He didn't get his way so he smashed the window and drug her out of the car, then did whatever the fuck he liked. The only difference is instead of raping her he put her in a cage. Again Bully.
(but muh law was broken) So its okay to traumatize a teenage girl and treat her like a criminal because she didn't comply, but its not okay for her b/f to do the same because she didn't comply??? Remember, she didn't rob a bank like a real criminal, that I get. Nope she didn't comply with some bureaucrats rule that she has to wear her seat-belt and then got flustered and scared of the bully cop so she didn't comply with his orders. So that's okay bully away.
50-60 years ago that cop would have been fired. We both know it. What's changed? The cabal has a firm grip on how our cops behave. That's what's changed. You think they only brainwash people in public school and universities. Of course they infiltrated police academies. They are the ones with the guns. The only reason we aren't all in chains is because we have guns too and we outnumber them 20 v 1. Police are starting to learn that the hard way. They take shit too far and now we are pushing back. Often in the worst ways, but that will change soon.
What comes next will be simple... dads will create safe zones where their kids are safe from the police. It will be like Muslim no go zones in France. Cops come in but they are the ones that are afraid not teenage girls. That's assuming shit doesn't get totally out of control and bunch of pissed off people don't purge the police altogether. Think it can't or won't happen... you'd be wrong.
Pretty much the only thing I can think of that gets people more fired up than voter fraud is their children. Cops get way out of control and you can bet your ass 10,000 pissed off dads will fucking end them. See all this school board stuff to see the bleeding edge of that fight. So it becomes law that school boards can do whatever the fuck they want and they get stupid. You think people won't fight back? You think just because its THE LAW that they can take your fucking child away it will stop a bunch of dads from getting their ARs and taking them back. Think the fuck again.
You need to brace yourself for what comes next. If Q fails or it really is a LARP then shit is going to turn ugly fast. These cabal idiots have no limits and no breaks. When they think they have the power they will do something stupid and it will be 1776 French style.
Your precious LEO will be a speed bump when that time comes.
"765,000 sworn personnel" vs 20-50+ million US gun owners... many of which are vets and hunters. That's literally 20-30 vs 1. Good fucking luck with that.
Exactly. That first woman was just being stupid. Not totally sure what she did but then she tried to play victim to get away with it.
The second girl was just not wearing her seat belt, was only a few blocks from her house, and was clearly afraid of the police because she didn't understand why she was being pulled over. I'm not saying she reacted the right way, but she had every reason to be afraid. Her gut was telling her the man banging on her window is a bad person... don't open the door.
The police have gone from protecting and serving to proving they are in charge at all costs. The problem is they aren't supposed to be in charge. They are supposed to work for us. They are supposed to be protecting us. Instead if we dare to buck up on them in any way(rightly or wrongly) they crush us with everything they have so we know our place.
The best part of all of it is when he asks her what her name is and she says nothing. He then says that failure to identify yourself is another charge. That is absolute BS. The 5th amendment is quite clear. "nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself" He can't compel her to say her name with the threat of a criminal charge because she didn't. That's like 3 layers deep of stupid. Miranda rights even says "you have the right to remain silent"... unless I demand you tell me your name? SMH...
Both cops were being bullies the first one was justified. The 2nd one I'm not so sure about. Need more info.
Your right though... this won't end well. Both of those girls have fathers and brothers and cousins. At some point it will be too much and they will start fighting back. It inevitable.
On a side note you can take that right to drive crap and shove it up your ass. We all know that if cars had existed back then the founded fathers would have accounted for that in the constitution etc. Freedom of movement is a basic given right. Cars are ATM the most common form of movement. The fact that you are willing to just give the fucking government control of that without even putting up a good argument proves you might want to read this site a little harder and understand more deeply WTF is really going on here.
Next you will tell me 2A is a suggestion not a right. Or it only allows us to have muskets. Rolls-eyes
I never said we had no need for traffic laws. I was referring to the argument used by the leftists that driving a vehicle is a privilege not a right(which I thought you were referring to based on your wording). Then they with the power of government take that privilege away from us if we are bad little tax slaves.
The truth is it backfired on them like everything else because its hard as hell to make a proper wage and pay those taxes when you can't drive anywhere. Just like abortion and gun rights its been argued to death(I suggest you look it up), but in the end we sort of won by default. If they had their way we wouldn't have the ability to drive around and everything would be public transit. See green agenda.
But do not doubt they would still ride around in their limos and private jets.
And sense when is me not wearing my seat-belt putting you in danger? Yet I can be pulled over and beat up/caged because of it. I'm in 500 times the danger being harangued and bullied by a cop with a gun than I am driving home without a seat belt. The whole fucking point is to PROTECT MY LIFE... or in the 2nd girls case HER LIFE. Yet in the name of protecting her life they then smash her window and drag her out of her car. It defies common sense and goes entirely against the whole fucking point of making that law to begin with.
(insert beatings will continue until moral improves meme)
Now we circle back around to the real point. Police have been brainwashed into believing that their authority over us is more important than our very safety. Read that again! They fucking murder people on the regular in the name of nothing else but reinforcing their authority over us. Its not about the law. Its about power over us. Wake the fuck up.
Do you even listen to yourself? So your solution to jackboot thugs beating up on little girls because the law says they can is for me to go to the corrupt legislators that made the very laws giving them the right to beat up on little girls for traffic violations and beg for them to change said law. So they can then ignore me like they do everyone else because I didn't elect them... THE CHEATING FUCKING BASTARDS ELECTED THEMSELVES.
You clearly haven't thought this through or you don't read these boards very much. You just post blindly?
Yeah yeah... I get I'm stretching things a little bit. I'm just trying to point out to you the slippery slope you leaped off of like it was a cliff with your blind reverence for but muh LEOs are just doing their jobs. They are enforcing THE LAW(in my best Silvester Stallone voice - I am THE LAW!). Those girls didn't obey orders from THEIR MASTERS! COMPLY(your word) or be beaten, tazed, and caged. Is that what freedom looks like to you? Cause it certainly makes me feel free to know that several grown ass men can drag my daughter out of her car and put her in a cage because she dared to not wear her seat-belt and didn't comply with every command like a good little tax slave.
This is no different than the subliminal programming the cabal has been feeding us for decades via Hollywood. Every character is LGBT. Every couple is mixed race. On and on and on...
Same thing. They've been feeding LEO a steady diet of... no matter what they must obey you and you must obey us. Guess what you get after a while... you get Canada where the cops beat the crap out of truckers. The ones that are willing to dehumanize a teenage girl are the ones that get promoted and the good ones they get pushed aside.
At the exact same time they teach cops to not just demand respect but to beat the fuck out of anyone that doesn't give it to you... they teach the public not to respect cops and also to fear them. Get it now? The trick is the cops don't have to be bullies and thugs. Yet they are... because they are drunk on their own power.
I get its all gray and nothing is black and white, but its up to the cops to be better men. They, for the most part, are failing miserably, and that's on them. When they take it too far, and we know that will happen because it always does when people are drunk on power, they will reap the rewards. I wonder why police shootings are up. Its almost like its already started. The cabal gets exactly what they want... chaos.
You're literally spouting cabal talking points.
Have you ever had your ass kicked by a cop? I have. And no it was not earned in the least. You're like a child. That's not meant as an insult. Its meant as a simple statement of fact. You are spewing talking points with no real world basis or understanding of how it REALLY works.
I'm 50+ years old. My house has been raided twice. I've done time in jail. None of this was earned. It was forced onto me by a system that is UTTERLY BROKEN. I don't drink. I don't do drugs. I'm honest to a fault. I'm about as far from being a criminal as a person could possibly be. Yet our legal system has spent decades trying its hardest to prove I deserve to be in jail. They constantly fail.
They... this is not a joke... back in the 90s they tried to say I was a uni-bomber. ATF raided my house. It was actually kind of fun. I laughed right in the face of on ATF agent. Like belly laugh. You know what he did? Have a nice day. Cause it was all BS. Local LEOs were on a power trip. Thought they would all get awards or some shit. They should have all been fired for gross negligence. Nope. Bullies get pats on the back. Cabal orders.
You/LEO hide behind the danger as a shield... BUT I might be hurt so its okay that I hurt someone else. That's literally what your saying. And your right, it is dangerous. And I'm not even saying those cops were exceptionally unprofessional. I'm saying THE WAY THEY WERE TRAINED IS WRONG!!!
They have been trained that their authority is all important and anyone or anything that challenges that authority shall be crushed. They then pile on charges(earned or not) and everyone does what you did... just another criminal got what they deserved. Yet, you ignore the basic fact that the only reason they are a criminal is because they dared to not comply in the first place.
Its a self fulfilling prophecy. You give cops the power then they use that power to staple a scarlet letter to someone's forehead... criminal. No one even asks any more if the person really did anything wrong. They point to the video... she didn't comply. BURN THE WITCH.
The real self fulfilling prophecy is that sort of training is part of the reason why no one respects cops any more. No one respects a bully. People fear bullies. They don't respect them.
And yeah I get it, I really do, if no one complies with cops at all then you really have chaos. I'm not saying everyone should ignore cops. I'm saying cops need to read the situation. The first woman was clearly just playing the victim card and playing it badly. That 2nd girl might have been genuinely scared OF THE COPS. Listen to the cops tone of voice. He wasn't fucking afraid of her in the least. He did what he did purely to prove beyond any doubt that she must comply or else.
He couldn't take a few more minutes to calm her down? Maybe calm himself down while he was at it? He couldn't call a female officer that had better people skills to calm her down and talk her out of the car? Nope. It was all power trip and comply or get wrecked. As I said... bully. (note - after you talk her out of the car you should give her a good lecture on listening to police orders)
Imagine for one millisecond that guy wasn't a cop, and the girl is your daughter. The cop acted just like any angry boyfriend I've ever seen. He didn't get his way so he smashed the window and drug her out of the car, then did whatever the fuck he liked. The only difference is instead of raping her he put her in a cage. Again Bully.
(but muh law was broken) So its okay to traumatize a teenage girl and treat her like a criminal because she didn't comply, but its not okay for her b/f to do the same because she didn't comply??? Remember, she didn't rob a bank like a real criminal, that I get. Nope she didn't comply with some bureaucrats rule that she has to wear her seat-belt and then got flustered and scared of the bully cop so she didn't comply with his orders. So that's okay bully away.
50-60 years ago that cop would have been fired. We both know it. What's changed? The cabal has a firm grip on how our cops behave. That's what's changed. You think they only brainwash people in public school and universities. Of course they infiltrated police academies. They are the ones with the guns. The only reason we aren't all in chains is because we have guns too and we outnumber them 20 v 1. Police are starting to learn that the hard way. They take shit too far and now we are pushing back. Often in the worst ways, but that will change soon.
What comes next will be simple... dads will create safe zones where their kids are safe from the police. It will be like Muslim no go zones in France. Cops come in but they are the ones that are afraid not teenage girls. That's assuming shit doesn't get totally out of control and bunch of pissed off people don't purge the police altogether. Think it can't or won't happen... you'd be wrong.
Pretty much the only thing I can think of that gets people more fired up than voter fraud is their children. Cops get way out of control and you can bet your ass 10,000 pissed off dads will fucking end them. See all this school board stuff to see the bleeding edge of that fight. So it becomes law that school boards can do whatever the fuck they want and they get stupid. You think people won't fight back? You think just because its THE LAW that they can take your fucking child away it will stop a bunch of dads from getting their ARs and taking them back. Think the fuck again.
You need to brace yourself for what comes next. If Q fails or it really is a LARP then shit is going to turn ugly fast. These cabal idiots have no limits and no breaks. When they think they have the power they will do something stupid and it will be 1776 French style.
Your precious LEO will be a speed bump when that time comes.
"765,000 sworn personnel" vs 20-50+ million US gun owners... many of which are vets and hunters. That's literally 20-30 vs 1. Good fucking luck with that.