I'm more scared of our own government launching nuclear weapons than Russia or China... All this seems too forced and staged to be real or organic. Wasn't there a story or something that rumors of Trump not turning over the codes and football? It would be a travesty if our government allowed someone as mentally competent as Joe or Harris to be anywhere near the codes..
I'm more scared of our own government launching nuclear weapons than Russia or China... All this seems too forced and staged to be real or organic. Wasn't there a story or something that rumors of Trump not turning over the codes and football? It would be a travesty if our government allowed someone as mentally competent as Joe or Harris to be anywhere near the codes..
the u.s. has become the crazy ex girlfriend on the world stage. gaslighting and provocating until ....WWIII.
And she’s got our debit cards.
indeed! I didn't know you were a U.S. citizen.... thought the flag went to a norse country
love the berserker reference!
Norwegian American 👍🏼