This is a fascinating book that talks about many of the underlying mechanics behind what we're going through right now:
He was mentored by Freud.
At some point, Freud appears to have been compromised by the cabal. But this guy stayed in the main track.
He's been describing Nazi Germany's fall into fascism and how the "drones" gladly gave up their freedom because high politics conditioned them to be dependent - in large part through sexual repression.
Anyway, there's a line that jumped out at me tonight and i wanted to share:
"Preaching about freedom leads to fascism unless a consistent and determined effort is made to inculcate in the masses of people a willingness to assume responsibility for everyday life, and unless there is an equally consistent and determined fight to establish the social preconditions for this responsibility."
Sound like the Q operation to anyone else?
Look up the definition of Nazism. It will always show up alongside fascism, which is one of its components.
Also, I'm simply using it the way the author of the book used it - who happened to live thru WW2 and study it.
What's the ONE worst fascist thing the Nazis did?
??? Do you even know ???
What is your problem, lol? I'm done talking now troll
You claimed that Nazism = fascism and I was curious if you could name one example.
It's interesting how many people know nothing about WW2 except for NPC programmed catch phrases and Bolshevik fan fiction from (((Hollywood))) films.
It reminds me of the NPC brainwashed liberals when claiming how racist and homophobic President Trump is.
A good test is to simply ask them to defend their position... they never can.
Ok, fair enough. I can sympathize with that, although I feel like you're kind of thread jacking, lol. My thread has almost nothing to do with fascism other than it was mentioned as context, but whatever.
The author of the book I'm referencing is using old school definitions and he also seems unaware of the cabal, although he is keenly aware of political corruption. So I wouldn't be surprised if it's inaccurate and I'm open to learning what you know.
That said, I don't really care too much about the nuances of fascism, socialism, etc... Those are mechanical tools within a larger context of control. That's why I didn't bother answer, but feel free to share your take and I'll listen.
As far as I can tell, Hitler kicked out the central bank and got the German economy booming, although he also seemed to be part of the cabal with his acting background as so many of them do.
The holocaust was basically done to the German people, not the Jews. Then spun by Jewish (Bolshevik) Hollywood to craft their control narrative. The Allies appear to be equally if not more evil, with Churchill and Roosevelt sitting high masons.
Nazis were imported to the US to help create the true Third Reich, along with the Japanese experiments. Nuremberg was a sham. I'm not really sure what's in Antarctica or who all the factions are. Nazis developed UFO tech and had mediums communicating with something high intelligence. Gas chambers are bs - most death was thru disease and starvation, not to mention the Mongoliod Russians raping and pillaging everything. Nukes are bs too - it's largely fire bombing like Dresden.
That's my take. Open to hearing yours :)