“Roe was egregiously wrong from the start,” Alito writes. The entire draft opinion can be read below:
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"The inescapable conclusion is that a right to abortion is not deeply rooted in the Nation's history and traditions. On the contrary, an unbroken tradition of prohibiting abortion on pain of criminal punishment persisted from the earliest days of the common law until 1973."
Big change to the proabortion sentiments of the free love 1970s generation, or the bigger change of returning to pre-1970s normal America that understood basic biology and knew that a pregnant woman was with child?
Sanger pushed contraceptives and abortion as a means of black population control, arguably because of her racism and positive iews on eugenics. One thing that always baffled me was the left's diehard support for abortion, which literally killed off millions of potential, likely Democrat voters. It would have been like 1840s Democrats aborting half of their unborn slaves. Terrible strategy, from a strictly business perspective. One almost has to wonder, could some 1960s onwards "conservatives" have actually thought that because it was more likely that a black adult would vote Democrat, then it would be better to support abortion in hopes that future Democrats be eliminated in the womb? Sounds sick, but could people really think that way? If so, wouldn't Democrats consider this, thus making it even more important to be against abortion for the sake of saving their own future voters? It's true that an unplanned pregnancy could more disproportionately cause more hardship for the average low income black mother/family compared to a white mother/family, and yet I seem to recall that the higher proportion of actual abortions leans towards more white mothers aborting children than black, even proportionally speaking. So is race really the driving factor in the abortion debate? There has always been a very strong socially conservative, family-centric Christian ethic in the American black culture. I contend that more black people have always been more antiabortion than the media leads on. And yet the Democrats continue to harp on the pro abortion train, firmly believing that their black constituents want it.
I think more than race, the overarching appeal of abortion is what I call the "mulligan" culture, which knows no color divide. Watch 4 golfers all put their tee shots in the water and offer them all a free redo, a mulligan. Doesn't matter their color. Think any of the will reject the offer for a do over to make up for their mistake? The abortion camp has spent 50 years offering mothers and fathers unlimited mulligans, and have gaslit millions into sincerely believing that taking these mulligans wasn't by any means immoral.
But 50 years of technological development and spiritual awakening absolutely proving, without any doubt, the unborn child's humanity, like proving the humanity of a black man, has caused mass change in the hearts and minds of millions. Eventually, it's impossible to continue denying such obvious truths.