posted ago by hattori_hanzo ago by hattori_hanzo +15 / -1

OK, so I have an idea for a meme that could red pill a lot of normies, you know the meme where a hand is taking out an NPCs brain chip and inserting a new brain chip to tell the npc what to be mad at?

Could someone make a super cut of the brain chip meme where we go through several iterations side by side of chip replacements showing the taking out and insertion of several of the cabal psyop brainchips, so it goes russian collusion / impeachment > stormy daniels > feminism/LGBT > climate change > BLM/antifa > george floyd > biden harris > covid > ukraine > roe vs wade. A big long chain from one to the next. Bonus points if you can put some blurred out zoomed out ones near the edges to make it appear as if there is more.

The more iterations side by side the better, include as many as you can to make it ridiculously obvious, even failed psyops like stop asian hate. As many of the "i support the current thing" things as possible. Lets wake some normies up.

Hopefull a skilled meme master can make this meme a reality.

Thank You,