I just want to get a reading on this controversial subject of abortion. Who here (like me) supports pro-choice for the simple fact that they believe in body autonamy when it comes to vaccines and masks? No government should have the right to tell you and me what to put in our body or put on our body. PERIOD. These mandates are unconstitutional against our civil and human rights to be free Americans, they're trying to erode that right now. But in the same breath, no government should have the right to tell women what they can't take out of their body. PERIOD.
The moment the baby detaches from the body is when the baby is their own person, as long as the baby is attached to the person, that person decides what happens because it is THEIR BODY. Is that not reasonable? Everyone here agree that government should stay the fuck out of our lives? I hope so. If not then that's your choice I guess if you want to be a government simp.
If a woman wants to abort their baby no matter what period of time, she should be able to, and the government should have zero say on her decision. Maybe one day there will be an option to remove babies but keep them alive via machine so they are born out of the womb. I'm sure that will be possible soon. But I stand firm on freedom of choice, especially now when the government is trying to insert itself in my health decisions being anti-mask and anti-vax.. they can fuck right off.
Is the neighbor attached to your body physically and are you providing your neighbor sustenance, keeping your neighbor alive and housed inside your body? This argument can't hold water.
Freedom of choice is fine but getting impregnated is the only choice you make. You know there are consequences to actions you take. Karma is cause and effect, but you are free to make that choice -That's the freedom part. Conceiving a baby is the result of that choice. You have to live with the choices you make. Murdering an unborn child limits that child's freedom and the choice that child would make to live or die. Thus it is immoral. The government should have Zero say over that child's voice as well. Especially before they learn to use it.
"I mean, why can't I have the freedom to kill off the neighbors on my block, kill off the drug dealer, the gangsters, etc. It's my freedom, am I right?"
"No, no, I only want to kill the unborn, because they put up less fight than a grandma on crutches."
What a pathetic cuck. There's no way this is a real poster. Paid shill/actor.
Regardless, there is sound reason to be pro-life that isn't necessarily a Christian reason. Which aggravates these godless bastards to no end.
Lay off the DMT, prob what let your demon in.
Hallucinogens do that...especially to the secular and weak of mind and spirit.... ...those with unseeing eyes and unhearing ears.