Coming from experience I can empathize. Everyone’s resolve and reason is going to be different so unfortunately there’s no perfect answer, but something that helped me was a few good books and a devotional. The Untethered Soul was a great book to understand that you own your emotions, your reactions and your choice to find peace. Jordan Peterson’s 12 Rules book was great just to take stock of myself and find ways to respect yourself again. Then just that YouVersion Bible app… there’s like a million quick hit devotion plans that fit any mood you may be in and I think that’s key. You’re not always going to be in a “I need to quit drinking” mood, sometimes it might be, I want to be happy or I want to feel less anxious. The plans they have typically last 5 days so you can bounce between what emotions you’re working on.
Lastly just like you’re reaching out now, you’re never alone and you’ve got people on here that are pulling for you. I’ll be praying for you fren
Problem is when I'm feeling better i don't read books like I know I should be doing to get better. I have the books ready to read on my iPhone i just don't do it. Do i really have to hit rock bottom before i recover? I always prevent myself from hitting rock bottom. I hope i don't have to hit it to change. ugh. THanks fren.
Every alcoholic / addict has their own rock bottom. Mine may different than yours. Not trying to scare you, but ask yourself how bad do you want your rock bottom to be?
Focus on what you are gaining, not what you are losing. Keep your eye on the doughnut and not the hole. Pray. Give thanks.
Coming from experience I can empathize. Everyone’s resolve and reason is going to be different so unfortunately there’s no perfect answer, but something that helped me was a few good books and a devotional. The Untethered Soul was a great book to understand that you own your emotions, your reactions and your choice to find peace. Jordan Peterson’s 12 Rules book was great just to take stock of myself and find ways to respect yourself again. Then just that YouVersion Bible app… there’s like a million quick hit devotion plans that fit any mood you may be in and I think that’s key. You’re not always going to be in a “I need to quit drinking” mood, sometimes it might be, I want to be happy or I want to feel less anxious. The plans they have typically last 5 days so you can bounce between what emotions you’re working on.
Lastly just like you’re reaching out now, you’re never alone and you’ve got people on here that are pulling for you. I’ll be praying for you fren
Problem is when I'm feeling better i don't read books like I know I should be doing to get better. I have the books ready to read on my iPhone i just don't do it. Do i really have to hit rock bottom before i recover? I always prevent myself from hitting rock bottom. I hope i don't have to hit it to change. ugh. THanks fren.
Every alcoholic / addict has their own rock bottom. Mine may different than yours. Not trying to scare you, but ask yourself how bad do you want your rock bottom to be? Focus on what you are gaining, not what you are losing. Keep your eye on the doughnut and not the hole. Pray. Give thanks.