It really makes me wonder if anyone actually READ the draft. Alito is basically punting the issue to the states now.
What does this mean? It means hard right states are going to outright ban it. Right leaning states are going to heavily restrict it, left leaning states are likely to not change their laws and enact laws maintaining the status quo, and hard-left states are going to open the abortion floodgates and probably make it legal for women to kill their children as old as two years old (ok maybe not that extreme but you get my point)
So to the pro-lifers celebrating, you did get a big win. But the screeching leftists are just doing what they always do: screech. They don't think. Sure they're going to lose ground in the states they didn't have much headway anyway, but they can now stomp the gas in the states like California, Oregon, and New York.
The pro-life movement will never gain traction until we insert ourselves in schools like the perverts have done. If we can introduce the idea of life to little people (who already understand it; my toddlers recognize photos and models of preborn children as babies) then that will likely stick with them. It could be done without religion too: every person has unique DNA which starts when a person is conceived. Instead though, we are trying to legislate morality, which will never work. A woman who doesn't value life will not value it more because she cannot end it. Volunteering for a local pro-life organization is becoming increasingly frustrating as I watch them pat themselves on the backs for introducing legislation that restricts abortion after a heartbeat is detectable. Guess what tho...that baby with a heartbeat today is the same baby who didn't have a heartbeat yesterday. Instead of congratulating themselves for how good they are, WHY AREN'T THESE PEOPLE TRYING TO EDUCATE CHILDREN LIKE THE LEFT DOES?!?!?