Naughty Nato! Staggering information is coming out of Turkish media outlets today claiming that at least fifty (50) senior officers of the French military, are trapped underground at the Azovstal steel mill plant in Mariupol Ukraine, surrounded by Russian troops.
🧠 Ces gens sont stupides!
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Do the manly thing and Water Board the shit out of any commanders/leaders in the hole. What goes around comes around.
We have seen horrific pictures via the Q board and our memories have been filled with all sorts of scenarios of little children in cages, the pics of those naked people sitting and eating something? in the dungeons under Epstein island and a myriad of other images. But up there are pics and stories of what these AZOV NAZIS along with the Ukraine Military have done to young women and children. The pics of a Mother, with her baby around 6 months still in her arms, her torso tortured and AZOV members laughing at her condition. What terror did they put them thru. The young girl with a swastika burned into her stomach. The painful scene as a husband of around 80, bend and kiss his wife goodbye. She had been hit with shrapnel, suffered a stroke and was paralysed. It was during a time when the Russian Military were finding and moving those civilians in the Donbas to safely under their protection of a safe corridor. The Russian scout looking for these civilians took him aside and said she would die very soon and moving her would probably kill her immediately as he believed her spine was severed. I hate seeing men cry, but to hear this elderly man being torn between staying and leaving was awful. So many elderly never made it out of these highrise buildings. The world needs to rid itself of evil and those like Pelosi, Schiff, Biden who are forever banging the drums of war. I have no qualms of these mongrels given a fast track to meet their Maker. Russia is just introducing them and God Almighty will carry out the punishment. His punishment will be just.