Taken from Reddit, apologies. It’s absolutely true and I’m sure it’ll upset some of you involving abortion.
But ultimately it’s up to the individuals choice.
Don’t be shortsighted. This Roe vs Wade is getting us closer to mandatory vax.
We should not be chalking it up as a win.
Whaaaa?!? The blessed reversal of that illegal and demonic perversion of our Constitution is not “merely a set up of something more sinister”. This long-overdue correction of justice and truth and humanity not only will protect innocent lives, but will bring us back closer to the Constitution and the rule of law that should have made forcible injections unthinkable in the first place. The codification of that satanic “Roe” abomination into “law” didn’t do a damn thing to protect our “bodily autonomy” against the Leftist monsters who wanted to forcible inject every last person with that dangerous mutagen - rather it emboldened the Left into confident belief that the Constitution rightfully said whatever the hell they feel it says on any given day.