"Latine" is the word they're trying for, but obviously this looks and sounds like "Latrine". Genius at work, folks.
Maybe the 'e' is pronounced like the "ə" (schwa) from the international phonetic alphabet? In which case, it still sounds like "Latina". If pronounced like "LaTINE" (rhymes with "nine"), it departs from typical Spanish phonetics as far as I can tell -- I don't speak Spanish. I suppose it could be pronounced in other ways, but those pronunciations don't really add or change anything in a neutralizing way.
Does anyone else feel like pointing out their "language colonialism"? (insert eyeroll here)
"Latine" is the word they're trying for, but obviously this looks and sounds like "Latrine". Genius at work, folks.
Maybe the 'e' is pronounced like the "ə" (schwa) from the international phonetic alphabet? In which case, it still sounds like "Latina". If pronounced like "LaTINE" (rhymes with "nine"), it departs from typical Spanish phonetics as far as I can tell -- I don't speak Spanish. I suppose it could be pronounced in other ways, but those pronunciations don't really add or change anything in a neutralizing way.
Does anyone else feel like pointing out their "language colonialism"? (insert eyeroll here)
My thoughts exactly.👍