Forget piddly 25-50 point interest rate hikes. The real pain will start June 1st. Fed will start reducing its balance sheet. (Explanation in comments)
💥 B O O O O O M 💥

Would you suggest selling stock before this starts happening? What kind of effect will this have on the market?
The post is saying it's going to be a bad year for the market.
You can sell some. So you have some cash to buy in when it drops big. But I wouldn’t take everything out of the market bc it could have a huge run up for no reason as well. Anything is possible. Although not highly likely. Hedge accordingly.
Risk missing out on a possible 20% run or lose your ass in the 80% fall. Depends how many years until retirement I gues.
That’s a good point. Depends on how many years to retirement. If it’s close I would protect the nest a bit more.