If you take a look at history and even in your own life, you will always see that culturally there was a group that was either despised by every other various demographic or completely ignored.
Society understood that it had to reject them for the betterment of the species. Who am I writing about? Here is the universal description of their physical appearance-
Hate excellence and competitiveness
Hate competition
Wear multiple badges of communism and various historical fascist leaders
Like to live in squalor
Valued modern feminism and called everything in society a patriarchy
We used to call these people "dirts" in HS. They would eat on the ground in the hall ways and behave like feral animals whenever asked to do something by staff. In Uni, these types behaved the same except that there were more of them and they commandeered certain areas of campus.
Obviously there are variables here and not everyone falls into that demographic from appearance and behavior but the general applies.
These people were given POWER and LOTS of it. This is why our society is so fucked up now. We went from following the rules of nature and ignoring them to not only paying attention, but giving them a voice. As a result, they suppressed free speech, ruined competition among members of society and turned our children into retarded little tyrants. Teachers teaching your kids are littered with this demographic.
These people are angry, never satisfied and never could be satisfied. They are control freaks and nature had kept them away from the rest of us to ensure they were rejected.
Look at society now. Look at how these loud mouths do and say what they want no matter what without consequences. Did you ever think some pink haired degenerate faggot could stand up in a crowd of productive citizens, yell some nonsense and be praised for it while everyone shakes in fear of saying anything?
Once we recognize and reject these people again, society will thrive.
This happens among all mammals! Humans just are not very good at it, we are tolerant of the wrong things. Among other mammals an extremely anti-social or irrationally aggressive individual are shunned, even killed, because their inability to be a team player makes them a danger. This, to keep the breeding population strong and healthy. It is not necessarily about age, either. Among animals, the group will protect the very young and accomodate the slower moving elders. In a wolf pack for example. the entire pack travels in a way that cushions the elders or infirm. But a psycho that causes chaos and inappropriate aggression or endangers the pack? Dispatched.